Laravel 7 干预图像缓存无法更改目录


Imagecache 在我的本地主机上工作正常,因为我没有更改认目录结构,但在实时服务器上我更改了它并将除 public 之外的所有文件文件夹放到另一个目录中。结构如下:

  • core_files
  • public_html

我已经在 AppServiceProvider.PHP 中绑定了 public 文件夹,我所有的图片都来自 public_html/images

下面是我的 AppServiceProvider.PHP

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind('path.public',function() {
        return base_path().'/public_http';

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

下面是我的 imagecache.PHP

return [

| Name of route
| Enter the routes name to enable dynamic imagecache manipulation.
| This handle will define the first part of the URI:
| {route}/{template}/{filename}
| Examples: "images","img/cache"

'route' => 'business-image',/*
| Storage paths
| The following paths will be searched for the image filename,submitted
| by URI.
| Define as many directories as you like.

'paths' => [
| Manipulation templates
| Here you may specify your own manipulation filter templates.
| The keys of this array will define which templates
| are available in the URI:
| {route}/{template}/{filename}
| The values of this array will define which filter class
| will be applied,by its fully qualified name.

'templates' => [
    'small' => 'Intervention\Image\Templates\Small','medium' => 'Intervention\Image\Templates\Medium','large' => 'Intervention\Image\Templates\Large',],/*
| Image Cache Lifetime
| Lifetime in minutes of the images handled by the imagecache route.

'lifetime' => 43200,






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