在 Numpy/OpenCV 中计算特定值的连接像素数


def get_area(center_x: int,center_y: int,mask: np.ndarray) -> int:
    if mask[center_x][center_y] != 255:
        return -1
    return ...

现在我得到了上面的这个函数,它接收 x 和 y 的值,并找到与该像素相连的像素数,值为 255。

现在让我们说,我有一个简单的 np.ndarray,如下所示:

    [255,255,255],[255,[  0,0],255]

如果我将 255 的中心像素作为输入,我尝试构建的函数输出将是 5,因为有 4 个相邻像素是 255。

我可以同时使用 opencvnumpy,但更可取的是 np


from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage

imgMtx = [
    [255,255,255],[255,[  0,0],255]

img = Image.fromarray(np.asarray(imgMtx))

blobs = np.asarray(img) > 125
labels,nlabels = ndimage.label(blobs)

unique,counts = np.unique(labels,return_counts=True)
import numpy as np

def get_area(center_x: int,center_y: int,mask: np.ndarray) -> int:
    Basic flood-fill area calculation on the mask using Breadth First Search

    area = 0
    moves = [(1,1),(0,(1,0),(-1,-1),-1)]

    if mask[center_x][center_y] != 255:
        return -1

    visited = [[False for _ in range(mask.shape[0])] for _ in range(mask.shape[1])]
    q = deque()
    visited[center_x][center_y] = True

    while q:
        x,y = q.popleft()
        for move in moves:
            if (x + move[0] >= mask.shape[0] or y + move[1] >= mask.shape[1] or
                    x + move[0] < 0 or y + move[1] < 0):
            if mask[x + move[0]][y + move[1]] == 255 and not visited[x + move[0]][y + move[1]]:
                area += 1
                q.append((x + move[0],y + move[1]))
                visited[x + move[0]][y + move[1]] = True

    return area
