MS Access 过滤器问题 - 来自两个不同下拉菜单的两个标准



就其本身而言,过滤器效果很好。我可以选择主要或次要,并相应地进行过滤。但是,我想将两者都加入过滤器以仅显示符合条件的记录。它应该是一个简单的 AND...但是...


Private Sub cmbSecondaryFilter_Click()

If Not IsNull(Me.cmbShowOnly.Value) Then ' making sure that the primary focus combo Box isn't null
        subFilter = Me.ActiveControl.Column(0)
        classDept = Me.cmbShowOnly
        secondFilter = "Class_Department= '" & classDept & "'"  'this returns the correct filter criteria
        secondFilterB = "Current_Class_Number= '" & subFilter & "'" 'this returns the correct filter criteria

        Me.Filter = "" ' clear filter,chainging the secondary filter requires this to happen
        Me.FilterOn = True ' enable that filter - filter is clear
        'set filter
        'Me.Filter = secondFilter & " AND " & secondFilterB ' add new filter  ' this fails
        Me.Filter = "Me.[Class_Department]= '"& classDept & "' AND Me.[Current_Class_Number] = '"& subFilter & '"  ' this fails as well.

 ' how do I AND the two filters?
        Me.FilterOn = True ' enable the new filter

Else ' if primary filter is blank,exit sub

MsgBox "Select a primary filter first.",vbOKOnly
Me.cmbSecondaryFilter = ""

Exit Sub
End If
End Sub



Private Sub cmbSecondaryFilter_Click()

Dim secondaryFilter As String

If Not IsNull(Me.cmbShowOnly.Value) Then ' making sure that the primary focus combo box isn't null
        secondaryFilter = secondaryFilter & "([Class_Department]=""" & Me.cmbShowOnly & """) AND "
End If

If Not IsNull(Me.cmbSecondaryFilter.Value) Then
        secondaryFilter = secondaryFilter & "([Current_Class_No] = """ & Me.cmbSecondaryFilter & """) "
End If
        'set filter
        Me.Filter = secondaryFilter
        Me.FilterOn = True ' enable the new filter

我有一个 ClearFilter 按钮,允许用户选择重置。此外,如果他们选择新的 cmbShowOnly,该代码也会清除 cmbSecondaryFilter。

