

添加细节。 我有一个这样的电子表格:

B           C       D       E       F   G           H   
Date        Time    Kwh $/KwCost        Hours/MonthsCost/Kwh
2021-01-01  0:15    0.69    $0.00   0   months      $0.15
2021-01-01  0:30    0.51    $0.00   0   11-12,1-5   $0.05
01/08/21    0:45    0.3     $0.00   0   hours   
2021-01-01  1:00    0.76    $0.00   0   06-08,15-20 ```



=iF (LSTOR(MONTH(c2),$h$3)= MONTH(c2)) and (LSTOR(HOUR(d2),$h$5)=HOUR(d2)) then $i$2 else $i$3


509 Missing operator 运算符缺失,例如“=2(3+4) *”, 其中缺少“2”和“(”之间的运算符。)



考虑到此版本的 ListOK 插件中的所有函数都使用正整数(零除外),您必须指定 G5 移位范围内的值, library(shiny) library(DT) library(shinyWidgets) library(tidyverse) # create master dataframe dat_total <- tibble(ID_1 = 1:10,names = letters[1:10],ID_2 = 11:20,names_2 = LETTERS[c(3:5,1,2,6:8,10,9)]) shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( title = 'Radio button and a dropdown manue ',sliderInput("n_rows_table","Number of rows:",min = 0,max = 10,value = 5),actionBttn( inputId = "button_1",label = "Make tables",size = "sm",color = "warning" ),DT::dataTableOutput("mytable"),actionBttn( inputId = "button_2",label = "Process",color = "success"),DT::dataTableOutput("table2")),server = function(input,output,session) { # set up reactive values dat_left <- reactiveValues(data=NULL) dat_right <- reactiveValues(data=NULL) dat_joined <- reactiveValues(data=NULL) # create reactive daraframe dat <- eventReactive(input$button_1,{ dat_total[1:input$n_rows_table,] %>% rowid_to_column()}) # Split the data into a right and a left set observe({ dat_left$data <- dat() %>% select(rowid,ID_1,names) }) observe({ dat_right$data <- dat() %>% select(rowid,ID_2,names_2,ID_1) }) # join these again # This is needed because my actual app will # be used to manually match 2 datasets observe({ if (is.null( dat_right$data )) { NULL }else{ dat_joined$data <- left_join(dat_left$data,dat_right$data,by = "rowid") } }) # Print the the datasets output$mytable <- renderDT({ datatable(dat_joined$data,rownames = F,editable = "cell") }) # I want to make a copy of the dat_joined$data dataset into dat$mydf # none of these function as expected #mydf <- reactiveValues(data=isolate(dat_joined$data)) #mydf <- reactiveValues(data=local(dat_joined$data)) #mydf <- reactiveValues(data=dat_joined$data) #mydf <- reactiveValues(data=NULL) # This works,but only saves the cells to w mydf <- reactiveValues(data=matrix(NA,nrow=10,ncol = 5)) # Ideally the computation only happens when this both an edit is made # and the button is pressed (now I need to press it between every edit) # validate_event <- reactive({ # req(input$mytable_cell_edit) & req(input$button_2) # }) #observeEvent(input$button_2validate_event(),{ DOes not work observeEvent(input$button_2,{ info = input$mytable_cell_edit str(info) i = info$row j = info$col v = info$value mydf$data[i,j] <- DT::coerceValue(v,mydf$data[i,j]) }) # print output[["table2"]] <- renderDT({ datatable(mydf$data) }) } ) 而不是 {{1} }.在这种情况下,公式

