

提前感谢您的任何帮助! :) 我实际上发布了一个类似的帖子,有人热情地回答了,但后来我意识到代码无法正常工作。抱歉,我是 Stackflow 的新手。

我是 Powershell 的初学者。我有 powershell 应用程序,而不是 powershell ISE。我需要解析应用程序的日志文件,并在过去 3-6 天内查找“错误:”一词。我基本上必须查看我的笔记本电脑备份解决方案何时失败。


$refDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-3).Date  # set this to midnight
$log     = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Users\<User>\Documents\TheLog.log'

# find lines that start with what looks like a date and contains 'Errors:'
# capture the date part in backreference $matches[1] to parse into a real datetime object for comparison with $refDate
$errors = @($log | Where-Object { $_ -contains 'Errors: ' } |   
                   Where-Object { [datetime]::ParseExact($matches[1],'dd/MM/yyyy',$null) -ge $refDate }).Count

# if $errors not 0
if ($errors) {
    $count = if ($errors -ge 1) { "was an error" } else { "were $errors errors" }
    "There were {0} errors in your back up solution in the last 3 days. Please check your log file." -f $count
else {
    "There were no errors in backing up your files in the last 3 days."
}I need to create some kind of `if` and `else` statement I think. 

如果最近 3 天内出现错误 - writeOutput " 过去 3 天内您的备份解决方案出错。请检查您的 日志文件。”否则“在过去 3 天内备份文件时没有错误。”



22/02/2021 17:27:33 - Begin: Documents=======================================
22/02/2021 17:27:33 - copied Notes.docx from C:\users\<username>\documents\ to D:\users\<username>\documents\
22/02/2021 17:27:33 - End: Documents...copied 1


  18/02/2021 08:57:37 - can not access C:\users\<username>\documents\ The network path was not found.

    18/02/2021 08:57:37 - End: Documents... copied: 0,Errors: 1



 22/02/2021 17:27:33 - End: Documents...copied 1,Deleted: 1

我还需要创建某种检查来过滤有用错误中的无意义错误 - 我不知道如何处理...




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