计数器 - 跳过元素并且在 for 循环期间不增加


所以我正在为我的班级编写一个基本的登录系统,我正在使用 for 循环和计数器来线性搜索列表。但是,当我输入一个应该正确的用户名时,它返回为未经授权。我试过在每次循环之间打印计数器,我发现即使范围是 (0,6) 它也只能计数到三个?

image of code,shell and error message

import random

userver = 0
userList = ["arabella12","Constance01","Hugo11","James09","Jane12","Max06","Ted04"]
pwrdList = ["bella12","1234","HGWel!","j@me£S","Password","notpassword","ted4"]
found = False
pfound = False

def login():
    username = input("Type in your username ")
    index1 = 0
    wrong = 0
    found = False
    c3 = 0
    print("index one before c3 loop=",index1)  #delete after testing
    for c3 in range(0,6): #username check counter
        if username == userList[c3]:  #if username is found with the counter c3
            found = True  #making the key for the next part of the code true
            index = s(c3)
            print(index," is the index")
            c3 = c3 + 1
        elif found == False:
            print("c3: ",c3)  #checking counter- delete after debugging
            print("unauthorised user...attempting again")  #if username isnt present
            c3 = c3 + 1  #upping the counter



Range 不正确,因为您使用了 而不是 "。此外,您不需要在 elif 中使用 exit 并增加计数器 - 它会自动完成