
我在考虑替代 wordpress 时偶然发现了它,很高兴我不必放弃简单易用的拖放构建器。


下面是我的 gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: `Gatsby Default Starter`,description: `Kick off your next,great Gatsby project with this default starter. This barebones starter ships with the main Gatsby configuration files you might need.`,author: `@gatsbyjs`,},plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,options: {
        name: `images`,path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,{
       * First up is the wordpress source plugin that connects Gatsby
       * to your wordpress site.
       * visit the plugin docs to learn more
       * https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/blob/master/packages/gatsby-source-wordpress/README.md
      resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,options: {
        // This type will contain remote schema Query type
       //typeName: `WPGraphQL`,// This is field under which it's accessible
       //fieldName: `wpgraphql`,// Url to query from
        // the only required plugin option for wordpress is the GraphQL url.
          process.env.WPGRAPHQL_URL || `https://decognizantconsult.com/graphql`,verbose: true,/*{
     resolve: `gatsby-source-graphql`,options: {
       // This type will contain remote schema Query type
       typeName: `WPGraphQL`,// This is field under which it's accessible
       fieldName: `wpgraphql`,// Url to query from
       url: process.env.WPGRAPHQL_URL ||
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,options: {
        name: `gatsby-starter-default`,short_name: `starter`,start_url: `/`,background_color: `#663399`,theme_color: `#663399`,display: `minimal-ui`,icon: `src/images/gatsby-icon.png`,// This path is relative to the root of the site.
      },// this (optional) plugin enables Progressive Web App + Offline functionality
    // To learn more,visit: https://gatsby.dev/offline
    // `gatsby-plugin-offline`,],}

然后是我下面的 gatsby-node.js:

 * Implement Gatsby's Node APIs in this file.
 * See: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/node-apis/

// You can delete this file if you're not using it
// gatsby-node.js
const createPages = require("./create/createPages")
const createPosts = require("./create/createPosts")
//const createusers = require("./utils/createusers")
//const createCategories = require("./utils/createCategories")
//const createTags = require("./utils/createTags")

 exports.createPagesstatefully = async ({ graphql,actions,reporter },options) => {
  await createPages({ actions,graphql,options)
  await createPosts({ actions,options)
  //await createusers({ actions,options)
  //await createCategories({ actions,options)
  //await crateTags({ actions,options)

在 createPost.js 文件中,我有以下内容

// create/createPosts.js
const {
  PostTemplateFragment,BlogPreviewFragment,} = require("../src/templates/posts/data.js")
//const postTemplate = require.resolve(`../src/templates/posts/single.js`)
//const blogTemplate = require.resolve(`../src/templates/posts/archive.js`)

const { blogURI } = require("../globals")

const postTemplate = require.resolve("../src/templates/posts/index.js")
const blogTemplate = require.resolve("../src/templates/posts/blog.js")

const GET_POSTS = `
    # Here we make use of the imported fragments which are referenced above
    query GET_POSTS($first:Int $after:String) {
        wpgraphql {
                first: $first
                after: $after
                # This will make sure to only get the parent nodes and no children
                where: {
                    parent: null
            ) {
                pageInfo {
                nodes {           
                    # This is the fragment used for the Post Template
                    #This is the fragment used for the blog preview on archive pages

const allPosts = []
const blogPages = [];
let pageNumber = 0;
const itemsPerPage = 10;

 * This is the export which Gatbsy will use to process.
 * @param { actions,graphql }
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
module.exports = async ({ actions,options) => {

   * This is the method from Gatsby that we're going
   * to use to create posts in our static site.
  const { createPage } = actions

   * Fetch posts method. This accepts variables to alter
   * the query. The variable `first` controls how many items to
   * request per fetch and the `after` controls where to start in
   * the dataset.
   * @param variables
   * @returns {Promise<*>}
  const fetchPosts = async (variables) =>
     * Fetch posts using the GET_POSTS query and the variables passed in.
    await graphql(GET_POSTS,variables).then(({ data }) => {
       * Extract the data from the GraphQL query results
      const {
        wpgraphql: {
          posts: {
            nodes,pageInfo: { hasNextPage,endCursor },} = data

       * Define the path for the paginated blog page.
       * This is the url the page will live at
       * @type {string}
      const blogPagePath = !variables.after
        ? `${blogURI}/`
        : `${blogURI}/page/${pageNumber + 1}`

       * Add config for the blogPage to the blogPage array
       * for creating later
       * @type {{
       *   path: string,*   component: string,*   context: {nodes: *,pageNumber: number,hasNextPage: *}
       * }}
      blogPages[pageNumber] = {
        path: blogPagePath,component: blogTemplate,context: {
          nodes,pageNumber: pageNumber + 1,hasNextPage,itemsPerPage,allPosts,}

       * Map over the posts for later creation
      && nodes.map((posts) => {

       * If there's another post,fetch more
       * so we can have all the data we need.
      if (hasNextPage) {
        reporter.info(`fetch post ${pageNumber} of posts...`)
        return fetchPosts({ first: itemsPerPage,after: endCursor })

       * Once we're done,return all the posts
       * so we can create the necessary posts with
       * all the data on hand.
      return allPosts

   * Kick off our `fetchPosts` method which will get us all
   * the posts we need to create individual posts.
  await fetchPosts({ first: itemsPerPage,after: null }).then((wpPosts) => {

    wpPosts && wpPosts.map((post) => {
       * Build post path based of theme blogURI setting.
      const path = `${blogURI}${post.uri}`

        path: path,component: postTemplate,context: {
          post: post,})

      reporter.info(`post created:  ${path}`)

    reporter.info(`# -----> POSTS TOTAL: ${wpPosts.length}`)

     * Map over the `blogPages` array to create the
     * paginated blog pages
    && blogPages.map((blogPage) => {
      if (blogPage.context.pageNumber === 1) {
        blogPage.context.publisher = true;
        blogPage.context.label = blogPage.path.replace('/','');
      reporter.info(`created blog archive page ${blogPage.context.pageNumber}`);

最初我在没有 gatsby-source-wordpress 插件的情况下运行我的部署,然后我将在 createPost.js 中的 const GET_POST 块中遇到错误,并在类型“查询”上响应“无法查询字段”wpgraphql。“

所以我将查询字段更改为 graphql 但这也没有用




Build error logs

请查看 package-lock.json 文件链接



"There was a problem loading plugin "gatsby-source-wordpress". Perhaps you need to install its package?"

并且提供的 package.json,您没有安装 gatsby-source-wordpress 依赖项...这意味着 Gatsby 在发现时无法理解您的代码和查询:

resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,


npm install gatsby-source-wordpress // or yarn add gatsby-source-wordpress


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