强大的 mac 应该允许对手生成有效的标签吗?


我正在阅读 katz (https://eclass.uniwa.gr/modules/document/file.php/CSCYB105/Reading%20Material/[Jonathan_Katz%2C_Yehuda_Lindell]_Introduction_to_Mo(2nd).pdf?fbclid=IwAR1hf1OTKAhf4ZHvswERpcZ3ZVDQMxHuP2FWRg2tvlo3-tUMSdFIPLWZR_8) 的“现代密码学导论”一书

在第 114 页上,我偶然发现了以下声明:

As defined,a secure MAC ensures that an adversary cannotgenerate a valid tag on a new message that
was never prevIoUsly authenticated.But it does not rule out the possibility that an attacker might        
be able togenerate a newtagon a prevIoUsly authenticated message. That is,a MAC guarantees that if 
an attacker learns tagst1,. . .on messagesm1,. . .,then it will not be able to forge a valid tag t 
on any message m 6 ∈{m1,. . .}. However,it may be possible for an adversary to ”forge” a different 
valid tagt′16=t1 on the messagem1. In general,this type of adversarial behavior is not a 
concern. Nevertheless,in some settings it is useful to consider a stronger deFinition of security for 
MACs where such behavior is ruled out.

这里它声称它不会破坏 mac 方案,如果对于任何生成标签 t,由 mac(m,t) 生成 对手能够使用相同的消息 m 生成与另一个有效标签不同的有效标签 t'。 这对我来说根本没有意义。如果我们从消息 m 生成一个标签,那么如果我们接下来从同一消息 m 生成一个标签',那么这一定意味着我们使用了两个不同的密钥,然后当我们尝试验证它时标签 t' 无法通过?




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