为什么 Hazelcast IMap 日志没有产生所有预期的事件?


下面的最小工作示例快速生成事件,然后更新 IMap。 IMap 反过来从它的日志中产生更新事件。

public class FastIMapExample {
    private static final int NUMBER_OF_GROUPS = 10;
    private static final int NUMBER_OF_EVENTS = 1000;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();
        IMap<Long,Long> groups = jet.getMap("groups");

        Pipeline p1 = Pipeline.create();
                .writeTo(Sinks.mapWithUpdating(groups,event -> event % NUMBER_OF_GROUPS,(oldState,event) -> increment(oldState)

        Pipeline p2 = Pipeline.create();
                .map(x -> x.getKey() + " -> " + x.getValue())


    private static StreamSource<Long> fastStreamOfLongs(int numberOfEvents) {
        return SourceBuilder
                .stream("fast-longs",ctx -> new AtomicLong(0))
                .<Long>fillBufferFn((num,buf) -> {
                    long val = num.getAndIncrement();
                    if (val < numberOfEvents) buf.add(val);

    private static long increment(Long x) {
        return x == null ? 1 : x + 1;


3 -> 7
3 -> 50
3 -> 79
7 -> 42
6 -> 100
0 -> 82
9 -> 41
9 -> 100

我原以为每次更新都能准确地看到 1000 个事件。相反,我看到大约 50-80 个事件。 (似乎输出包含来自每个组的所有最新更新(即 "-> 100"),但除此之外它是一个随机子集。)

NUMBER_OF_GROUPS 等于 NUMBER_OF_EVENTS 时(或当事件生成被人为减慢)时,我会收到所有 1000 个更新。



Sinks.mapWithUpdating 使用批处理,因此一些更新在发送实际更新条目处理器之前在本地应用。您需要使用 Sinks.mapWithEntryProcessor 为每个项目发送更新条目处理器。 来自 Sinks.mapWithEntryProcessor 的 JavaDoc:

     * As opposed to {@link #mapWithUpdating} and {@link #mapWithMerging},* this sink does not use batching and submits a separate entry processor
     * for each received item. For use cases that are efficiently solvable
     * using those sinks,this one will perform worse. It should be used only
     * when they are not applicable.

请记住,事件日志的默认容量是 10K,如果您使用默认分区计数,则每个分区有 36 个,这不足以一次存储所有更新。对于您的情况,如果您使用默认分区计数,则需要将容量设置为 271K 或更高以存储所有更新。


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