使用 SimPy 的 Simpy.events.AnyOf 时如何知道正在使用哪个资源


我在 SimPy 4 中使用 python 3.7。我有 4 个 Resources(比如“第一级”),容量为 5,每个 Resource 都有一个关联的 Resource(比如“二级”),容量为 1(因此,总共有 4 个“一级”资源和 4 个“二级”资源)。当代理到达时,它会从“第一级”的任何 Resource 请求 Resource,当它获得访问权限时,它会请求“第二级”的关联 Resource

我正在使用 AnyOf 选择任何“第一级”资源。它有效,但我需要知道哪个代理选择了哪个资源。我该怎么做?


from simpy.events import AnyOf,Event

num_FL_Resources = 4
capacity_FL_Resources = 5
FL_Resources = [simpy.Resource(env,capacity = capacity_FL_Resources ) for i in range(num_FL_Resources)]
events = [FirstLevelResource.request() for FirstLevelResource in FL_Resources]
yield Anyof(env,events)

注意 1:我没有在“第一级”中使用 StoreFilterStore,而是将代理随机放置到一个可用的 Store因为代理不断来,所有的 Stores 可能都在使用中。他们需要排队。另外,请告诉我这里是否有使用 Store 的好方法

注意 2:Resource.users 给了我 <Request() object at 0x...> 所以它没有帮助。

注意 3::我对“第一级”和“第二级”资源使用嵌套字典,如下所示。但是,为了方便起见,我没有在此处添加更长的代码

{'Resource1': {'FirstLevel1': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f45690>,'SecondLevel1': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f45710>},'Resource2': {'FirstLevel2': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f457d0>,'SecondLevel2': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f458d0>},'Resource3': {'FirstLevel3': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f459d0>,'SecondLevel3': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f45a90>},'Resource4': {'FirstLevel4': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f47750>,'SecondLevel4': <simpy.resources.resource.Resource at 0x121f476d0>}}



example of a two stage resource grab using a store and resouces

A agent will queue up to get a first level resource object 
and then use this object to get a second level rescource
However groups of the frist level resouce have one common second level resource
so there will also be a queue for the second level resource.

programer: Michael R. Gibbs

import simpy
import random

class FirstLevel():
    A frist level object,a group of these objects will make a type of resource
    each object in the group will have the same second level resource

    def __init__(self,env,groupId,secondLevel):
        self.env = env
        self.groupId = groupId
        self.secondLevel = secondLevel

def agent(env,agentId,firstLevelStore):
    sims a agent/entity that will first grab a first level resource
    then a second level resource

    print(f'agent {agentId} requesting from store with {len(firstLevelStore.items)} and queue {len(firstLevelStore.get_queue)}')
    # queue and get first level resouce
    firstLevel =  yield firstLevelStore.get() 
    print(f"agent {agentId} got first level resource {firstLevel.groupId} at {env.now}")

    # use the first level resource to queue and get the second level resource
    with firstLevel.secondLevel.request() as req:
        yield req
        print(f"agent {agentId} got second level resource {firstLevel.groupId} at {env.now}")
        yield env.timeout(random.randrange(3,10))

    print(f"agent {agentId} done second level resource {firstLevel.groupId} at {env.now}")
    # put the first level resource back into the store
    yield firstLevelStore.put(firstLevel) 
    print(f"agent {agentId} done first level resource {firstLevel.groupId} at {env.now}")

def agentGen(env,firstLevelStore):
    creates a sequence of agents

    id = 1
    while True:
        yield env.timeout(random.randrange(1,2))
        print(f"agent {id} arrives {env.now}")
        id += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

    num_FL_Resources = 4        # number of first level groups/pools
    capacity_FL_Resources = 5   # number of first level in each group/pool

    env = simpy.Environment()

    # store of all first level,all mixed togethers
    store = simpy.Store(env,capacity=(num_FL_Resources * capacity_FL_Resources))

    for groupId in range(num_FL_Resources):
        # create the second level resource for each group os first level resources
        secondLevel = simpy.Resource(env,1)
        for cap in range(capacity_FL_Resources):
            # create the individual first level objects for the group
            firstLevel = FirstLevel(env,secondLevel)

