


while True: #Loop the whole program
    from datetime import datetime,date #Get the Age of from user input
    print("Please enter your date of birth (dd mm yyyy)")
    date_of_birth = datetime.strptime(input("--->"),"%d %m %Y")
    def calculate_age(born):
        today = date.today()
        return today.year - born.year - ((today.month,today.day) < (born.month,born.day))
    age = calculate_age(date_of_birth)
    print("You are ",int(age)," years old.")
    #Get the Salary from user input
    def get_salary():
        while True:
                salary = int(input("Please enter your salary: "))
            except ValueError:
                print("You need to enter a number ")
        return salary
    #Calculate the Amount that needs to be paid,using if,elif,else
    def contribution(age):
        if age <= 35:
            tax = (salary * 0.20)
        elif 36 <= age <= 50:
            tax = (salary * 0.20)
        elif 51 <= age <= 55:
            tax = (salary * 0.185)
        elif 56 <= age <= 60:
            tax = (salary * 0.13)
        elif 61 <= age <= 65:
            tax = (salary * 0.075)
            tax = (salary * 0.05)
        return tax
    #Print the amount 
    if __name__ == "__main__": # It's as if the interpreter inserts this at the top of your module when run as the main program.
        salary = get_salary() #get salary from get_salary()
        tax = contribution(age) #calculate the tax
        print("you have to pay",tax," every month ")
    while True:
        answer = str(input("Do you need to do another calculation? (y/n): "))
        if answer in ("y","n"):
        print ("invalid input.")
    if answer == "y":
        print("Thank you for using this Calculator,Goodbye")


#Calculate the Amount that needs to be paid,else
def contribution(age):
    if age <= 35:
        tax = (salary * 0.20)
    elif 36 <= age <= 50:
        tax = (salary * 0.20)
    elif 51 <= age <= 55:
        tax = (salary * 0.185)
    elif 56 <= age <= 60:
        tax = (salary * 0.13)
    elif 61 <= age <= 65:
        tax = (salary * 0.075)
        tax = (salary * 0.05)

    return tax

另外,我正在努力学习,所以你能通过在代码中加入 #comments 来解释吗:) 谢谢!




while True: #Loop the whole program
    from datetime import datetime,date #Get the Age of from user input
    def calculate_age(born): ...    
    def get_salary(): ...    
    def contribution(age): ...

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # main logic

所以这种结构真的很奇怪,而且你在函数之间声明了很多变量(date_of_birthage)。将很难进行更新/维护。 如果我是你,我会先这样修改代码

from datetime import datetime,date #Get the Age of from user input
def calculate_age(born): ...    
def get_salary(): ...    
def contribution(age): ...

if __name__ == "__main__":  # It's as if the interpreter inserts this at the top of your module when run as the main program.
    program_continue = 'y'
    while program_continue.upper() in ['Y','YES']:
        print("Please enter your date of birth (dd mm yyyy)")
        date_of_birth = datetime.strptime(input("--->"),"%d %m %Y")
        age = calculate_age(date_of_birth)
        print("You are ",int(age)," years old.")
        salary = get_salary() #get salary from get_salary()
        tax = contribution(age) #calculate the tax
        print("you have to pay",tax," every month ")
        program_continue = str(input("Do you need to do another calculation? (y/n): "))
    print("Thank you for using this Calculator,Goodbye")



  • 这个类的属性应该是什么?多布,薪水,还有别的吗?
  • 您将来会扩展什么?名称?性别?联系信息?残障与否?

无论如何,我们现在只是创建一个带有 dob 和工资的类。

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self,dob,salary):
        input dob and salary only,age and tax will be calculated then
        self.dob = dob
        self.salary = salary
        self.age = self.calculate_age() 
        self.tax = self.contribution()
    def calculate_age(self):
        today = date.today()
        return today.year - self.dob.year - ((today.month,today.day) < (self.dob.month,self.dob.day))

    def contribution(self):
        if self.age <= 35:
            tax = (self.salary * 0.20)
        elif 36 <= self.age <= 50:
            tax = (self.salary * 0.20)
        elif 51 <= self.age <= 55:
            tax = (self.salary * 0.185)
        elif 56 <= self.age <= 60:
            tax = (self.salary * 0.13)
        elif 61 <= self.age <= 65:
            tax = (self.salary * 0.075)
            tax = (self.salary * 0.05)
        return tax

因此,一旦您在类 Person 中创建了一个变量,您就可以通过 age、{{1} 访问 salarytax.age },.salary。 请注意,我没有将函数.tax放入类中,因为它是一个“询问用户工资”的函数,与属性无关。




假设我现在要添加 if __name__ == "__main__": # It's as if the interpreter inserts this at the top of your module when run as the main program. program_continue = 'y' while program_continue.upper() in ['Y',"%d %m %Y") salary = get_salary() #get salary from get_salary() ##### THESE ARE THE CHANGES START person_obj = Person(date_of_birth,salary) print("You are ",int(person_obj.age)," years old.") print("you have to pay",int(person_obj.tax)," every month ") ##### THESE ARE THE CHANGES END program_continue = str(input("Do you need to do another calculation? (y/n): ")) print("Thank you for using this Calculator,Goodbye") 作为属性。我所要做的就是修改 name 类。以后应该更容易更新。



def contribution(age):
    if age <= 35:
        rate = 0.20
    elif age <= 50:
        rate = 0.20
    elif age <= 55:
        rate = 0.185
    elif age <= 60:
        rate = 0.13
    elif age <= 65:
        rate = 0.075
        rate = 0.05

    return salary * rate


# near top or read from file:
tax_rates = [ # upper age limit for each rate

# then elsewhere in the code:
def contribution(salary,age):
    for limit,rate in tax_rates:
        if age <= limit:
            return salary * rate
        # finally a good use for for ... else!
        raise ValueError(f"Age {age} is out of range.")
