


char first_capital(const char str[],int n)
    int begin = 0;
    int end = n - 1;
    int mid;
    while (begin <= end)
        mid = (begin + end) / 2;
        if (mid == 0 && isupper(str[mid]))
            return mid;
        else if (mid > 0 && isupper(str[mid]) && islower(str[mid - 1]))
            return mid;
        if (islower(str[mid]))
            begin = mid + 1;
            end = mid - 1;
    return 0;


注意:输入的字符串将已经排序(所有小写字母都出现在大写字母之前)。 const char str[] 是字符串,int n 是字符串的长度。

编辑:例如:first_capital("abcBC",5) 应该返回 'B'



char first_capital(const char str[],int n)
    int begin = 0;
    int end = n - 1;
    int mid;
    while (begin <= end)
        mid = (begin + end) / 2;
        if(mid == 0 && isupper(str[mid]))
            return mid;    // Here the index is returned not the character
        else if (mid > 0 && isupper(str[mid]) && islower(str[mid-1]))
            return mid;    // Same goes here
            begin = mid+1;
            end = mid - 1;
    return 0;


int main(){

将给出 15 作为答案,这是字符 Z 的索引。

如果您希望返回字符,请将 return mid 替换为 return str[mid] 并且将返回 'Z'。

#include <stdio.h>

/* This will find and return the first UPPERCASE character in txt
 * provided that txt is zero-or-more lowercase letters,* followed by zero-or-more uppercase letters.
 * If it is all lower-case letters,it will return \0 (end of string)
 * If it is all upper-case letters,it will return the first letter (txt[0])
 * If there are non-alpha characters in the string,all bets are off.
char findFirstUpper(const char* txt)
    size_t lo = 0;
    size_t hi = strlen(txt);
    while(hi-lo > 1)
        size_t mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2;
        *(isupper(txt[mid])? &hi : &lo) = mid;
    return isupper(txt[lo])? txt[lo] : txt[hi];

int main(void)
    char answer = findFirstUpper("abcBC");
    printf("Found char %c\n",answer);
    return 0;


如果字符串中不存在第一个大写字母,则该函数应返回指向第一个大写字母的指针或空指针。即函数声明和行为应该类似于标准字符串函数strchr的声明和行为。唯一的区别是您的函数不需要 char 类型的第二个参数,因为搜索字符由条件隐式定义为大写字符。

另一方面,尽管您的函数具有返回类型 char,但它返回一个整数,指定找到的字符的位置。此外,您的函数在找不到大写字符和字符串的第一个位置包含大写字符的情况之间没有区别。

还有你的函数有太多的 if-else 语句。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char * first_capital( const char s[] )
    const char *first = s;
    const char *last = s + strlen( s );
    while ( first < last )
        const char *middle = first + ( last - first ) / 2;
        if ( islower( ( unsigned char )*middle ) )
            first = middle + 1;
            last = middle;
    return ( char * )( isupper( ( unsigned char )*first ) ? first : NULL );

int main(void) 
    const char *s = "";
    char *result = first_capital( s );
    if ( result )
        printf( "%c at %zu\n",*result,( size_t )( result - s ) );
        printf( "The string \"%s\" does not contain an upper case letter.\n",s );
    s = "a";
    result = first_capital( s );

    if ( result )
        printf( "%c at %zu\n",s );
    s = "A";
    result = first_capital( s );

    if ( result )
        printf( "%c at %zu\n",s );
    s = "abcdefA";
    result = first_capital( s );

    if ( result )
        printf( "%c at %zu\n",s );
    s = "abAB";
    result = first_capital( s );

    if ( result )
        printf( "%c at %zu\n",s );
    return 0;


The string "" does not contain an upper case letter.
The string "a" does not contain an upper case letter.
A at 0
A at 6
A at 2