Spacy 3 命名实体识别的置信度评分


我需要获得 NER 'de_core_news_lg' 模型预测的标签的置信度分数。在 Spacy 2 中有一个众所周知的解决方案:

nlp = spacy.load('de_core_news_lg')
doc = nlp('ich möchte mit frau Mustermann in der Musterbank sprechen')
text = content
doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
beams = nlp.entity.beam_parse([doc],beam_width=16,beam_density=0.0001)
for score,ents in nlp.entity.moves.get_beam_parses(beams[0]):
    print (score,ents)
    entity_scores = defaultdict(float)
    for start,end,label in ents:
        # print ("here")
        entity_scores[(start,label)] += score
        print ('entity_scores',entity_scores)

但是,在 Spacy 3 中我收到以下错误

AttributeError: 'German' object has no attribute 'entity'

显然 language 对象不再具有 entity 属性。 有谁知道如何在 Spacy 3 中获得置信度分数?


答案的核心是'使用管道组件“beam_ner”,并查看EntityRecognizer.pyx代码。然后是单元测试 test_beam_ner_scores() 它几乎展示了如何做到这一点。 如果您想了解如何修改您的 config,cfg,请保存模型(如下面的 make_nlp() 中所做的那样)并查看保存的模型 config.cfg。

问题在于它仅适用于单元测试生成的“模型”。对于我的真实模型(每个 5000 个文档 ~4k 文本,训练 NER f-scores 大约 75%),它失败了。 “悲惨”是指“贪婪”搜索会找到我的实体,但“光束搜索”会报告数百个标记(甚至标点符号)的“分数”,例如 0.013。并且(基于偏移量)那些通常来自文档的一小部分。

这令人沮丧,因为我相信 spacy 训练(对于“beam_ner”)使用相同的代码来“验证”训练迭代,并且训练报告的分数几乎不错(嗯,比 Spacy 2 低 10%,但这种情况会发生用于训练 'ner' 和 'beam_ner' 的机器人)。


到目前为止,Spacy3 对我来说是一场重大灾难:无法获得信心,我不能再使用 GPU(我只有 6GB),基于 Ray 的并行化不起作用(在 Windows 上=实验性)并且通过使用“变压器” ' 基于模型我的训练 NER 分数比在 Spacy 2 中差 10%。


import spacy
from spacy.lang.en import English
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from import Example

# Based upon test_beam_ner_scores()

    ("Who is Shaka Khan?",{"entities": [(7,17,"PERSON")]}),("I like London and Berlin.",13,"LOC"),(18,24,"LOC")]}),("You like Paris and Prague.",{"entities": [(9,14,(19,25,]

def make_nlp(model_dir):
    # ORIGINALLY: Test that we can get confidence values out of the beam_ner pipe
    nlp = English()
    config = { "beam_width": 32,"beam_density": 0.001 }
    ner = nlp.add_pipe("beam_ner",config=config)
    train_examples = []
    for text,annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
        for ent in annotations.get("entities"):
    optimizer = nlp.initialize()
    # update once
    losses = {}
    # save
    #if not model_dir.exists():
    print("Saved model to",model_dir)
    return nlp

def test_greedy(nlp,text):
    # Report predicted entities using the default 'greedy' search (no confidences)
    doc = nlp(text)    
    print("GREEDY search");
    for ent in doc.ents:
        print("Greedy offset=",ent.start_char,"-",ent.end_char,ent.label_,"text=",ent.text)
def test_beam(nlp,text):
    # Report predicted entities using the beam search (beam_width 16 or higher)
    ner = nlp.get_pipe("beam_ner")

    # Get the prediction scores from the beam search
    doc = nlp.make_doc(text)
    docs = [doc]
    # beams = StateClass returned from ner.predict(docs)
    beams = ner.predict(docs)
    print("BEAM search,labels",ner.labels);

    # Show individual entities and their scores as reported
    scores = ner.scored_ents(beams)[0]
    for ent,sco in scores.items():
        tok = doc[ent[0]]
        lbl = ent[2]
        spn = doc[ent[0]: ent[1]]           
        print('Beam-search',ent[0],ent[1],'offset=',tok.idx,lbl,'score=',sco,'text=',spn.text.replace('\n','  '))

MODEL_DIR = "./test_model"
TEST_TEXT = "I like London and Paris."
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # You may have to repeat make_nlp() several times to produce a semi-decent 'model'
    # nlp = make_nlp(MODEL_DIR)
    nlp = spacy.load(MODEL_DIR)
    test_beam  (nlp,TEST_TEXT)

结果应该看起来像(在重复 make_nlp 以生成可用的“模型”之后):

GREEDY search
Greedy offset= 7 - 13 LOC text= London
Greedy offset= 18 - 23 LOC text= Paris
BEAM search,labels ('LOC','PERSON')
Beam-search 2 3 offset= 7 LOC score= 0.5315668466265199 text= London
Beam-search 4 5 offset= 18 LOC score= 0.7206478212662492 text= Paris
Beam-search 0 1 offset= 0 LOC score= 0.4679245513356703 text= I
Beam-search 3 4 offset= 14 LOC score= 0.4670399792743775 text= and
Beam-search 5 6 offset= 23 LOC score= 0.2799470367073933 text= .
Beam-search 1 2 offset= 2 LOC score= 0.21658368070744227 text= like

目前在 spaCy v3 中没有一个很好的方法来获得 NER 分数的置信度。但是,有一个正在开发中的 SpanCategorizer 组件可以使这变得容易。不确定,但我们希望在下一个次要版本中发布它。您可以在 the PR for the feature 中关注开发或阅读更多相关信息 here


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