写入 TextField 后立即从它


我正在尝试在用户输入内容后立即更新 TextField。我喜欢避免人们以不同的文本格式书写但具有适当的大写字母,例如。在这种情况下,文本需要更新 (firstCapitalLetter) John,而不是 jOHN 或 JOHN 或 john。

我尝试复制此处描述的方法Format input text to uppercase,但我未能使其适应我的情况。 txtFirstName 是 TextField 的 ID。

NWF$(document).ready(function () {
NWF$("#" + txtFirstName).change(function () {
    // get the text value from the FirstNname textfield
    var textContent = NWF$('#' + txtFirstName).text();

    // check to see if the value is not null
    if (textContent.length > 0) {

        // format the first letter to UpperCase and the rest to LowerCase
        textContent = NWF$("#" + txtFirstName).toupperCase() + txtFirstName.substr(1).toLowerCase();
        NWF.value = textContent;


现在,txtFirstName 会根据需要更改格式 :)

NWF$(document).ready(function () {
NWF$("#" + txtFirstName).change(function () {
    // get the text value from the FirstNname textfield
    var textContent = this.value;

    // check to see if the value is not null
    if (textContent.length > 0) {

        // format the first letter to UpperCase and the rest to LowerCase
        textContent = textContent[0].toUpperCase() + textContent.substr(1).toLowerCase();
        this.value = textContent;



如果您必须更新两个单独的 txtFields,这是另一种选择。

基本上,我想说的是,当 txtFields 更新时,它们需要被格式化为正确的大写,以避免出现类似:john / JOHN / jOHn 的情况

NWF$(document).ready(function () {
    NWF$("#" + txtFirstName).change(function () {
        // get the text value from the FirstNname textfield
        var textContent = this.value; //alert(textContent)
        // check to see if the value is not null
        if (textContent.length > 0) {

            // format the first letter to UpperCase and the rest to LowerCase
            textContent = textContent[0].toUpperCase() + textContent.substr(1).toLowerCase();
            this.value = textContent;

    NWF$("#" + txtLastName).change(function () {
        // get the text value from the FirstNname textfield
        var textContent = this.value; //alert(textContent)
        // check to see if the value is not null
        if (textContent.length > 0) {

            // format the first letter to UpperCase and the rest to LowerCase
            textContent = textContent[0].toUpperCase() + textContent.substr(1).toLowerCase();
            this.value = textContent;