DioErrorType.RESPONSE 无效媒体类型


我的 Flutter 项目在 android 上运行良好,但是当我尝试将它放到 web 上时我遇到了一些麻烦。我使用 Graphql Faker 作为假后端,它适用于 android 但对于 Flutter web 它总是抛出以下错误

╔╣ Request ║ POST 
║  http://localhost:9002/graphql

╔╣ dioError ║ Status: 500 Internal Server Error
║  http://localhost:9002/graphql
╔ dioErrorType.RESPONSE
║    {
║         errors: [{message: invalid media type}]
║    }


GraphQLClient graphQLClient()  {
  final dio = dio(
      connectTimeout: 3 * 1000,contentType: 'application/json',),);

  final host = () {
    try {
      if (Platform.isAndroid) return MY_IP;
    } catch (_) {}
    return 'localhost';

  final graphqlEndpoint = 'http://$host:9002/graphql';
  final WebSocketLink _wsLink = WebSocketLink('ws://$host:4000/graphql');

  final Link _dioLink = dioLink(
    graphqlEndpoint,client: dio,);

  // split request based on type
  final _link = Link.split(
    (request) => request.isSubscription,_wsLink,_dioLink,);

  return GraphQLClient(
    cache: GraphQLCache(),link: _link,);



这看起来像是 CORS 错误,graphql-faker 文档中有一节是关于 cors 的:

--cors-origin CORS: Specify the custom origin for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header,by default it is the same as Origin header from the request