Excel - 每次打印后自动增加多个单元格


我需要在每次打印后线性增加绿色单元格中的数字(见添加图片)。例如,如果我将第一个表格(绿色单元格,C2)中的起始编号设置为 1,则接下来的单元格 K2、C21、K21 将被打印为 2、3、4,之后它们将相应地上升到 5、6、7,8 在下一个打印副本中,除非达到目标打印副本数。


Example sheet


Sub Printcopies_ActiveSheet()
Dim copiesCount As Long
Dim copynumber As Long
copiesCount = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?",Type:=1)
For copynumber = 1 To copiesCount
With ActiveSheet
       .Range("C2,K2,C21,K21").Value = copynumber 
       .PrintOut 'Print the sheet
End With
    Next copynumber
    End Sub

遗憾的是它只适用于 1 个单元格,所以当我打印这张表时。所有聚焦的单元格都具有相同的编号(第一次打印 = 1,1,1;第二次打印 = 2,2,2,依此类推。

提前感谢各位大神,祝您有美好的一天。 最诚挚的问候, 莫蒂


所以我很幸运地找到了带有这个惊人宏的旧线程,并根据我的需要对其进行了调整。它神奇地工作:D.最后一个问题,是否有可能使用单元格 C1 中的数字作为起始编号而不是 copynumber 来设置起点?甚至可以选择设置任务栏要求起始编号。它是为我的同事准备的,所以我试图让它尽可能简单


Public Sub IncrementPrint()
    Dim resp As Variant,scr As Boolean,i As Long,j As Long

On Error Resume Next
    resp = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter the number of copies to print:",_
                                Title:="Select Total Print Copies",Type:=1)
On Error GoTo 0

    If resp = False Then Exit Sub
    If resp < 1 Or resp > 100 Then
        MsgBox "Invalid number: " & resp & " (Enter 1 to 100)",vbExclamation,"Try Again"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    scr = Application.ScreenUpdating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    j = 0
    For i = 1 To resp
        ActiveSheet.Range("C2").Value2 = i + 0 + j
        ActiveSheet.Range("K2").Value2 = i + 1 + j
        ActiveSheet.Range("C21").Value2 = i + 2 + j
        ActiveSheet.Range("K21").Value2 = i + 3 + j
        j = j + 3
    Next i
    Application.ScreenUpdating = scr
End Sub

编辑: 嗯,我已经自己解决了,只是如果有人可以查看我的代码并确认其编写良好以避免将来可能出现错误:D

Public Sub IncrementPrint()
    Dim resp As Variant,"Try Again"
        Exit Sub
    End If

On Error Resume Next
    StartValue = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please enter start number:",_
                                Title:="Start number",Type:=1)
On Error GoTo 0

    If StartValue = False Then Exit Sub
    If StartValue < 1 Or resp > 10000 Then
        MsgBox "Invalid number: " & StartValue & " (Enter 1 to 10000)","Try Again"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    scr = Application.ScreenUpdating
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    j = 0
    For i = 1 To resp
        ActiveSheet.Range("C2").Value2 = i + 0 + j + StartValue - 1
        ActiveSheet.Range("K2").Value2 = i + 1 + j + StartValue - 1
        ActiveSheet.Range("C21").Value2 = i + 2 + j + StartValue - 1
        ActiveSheet.Range("K21").Value2 = i + 3 + j + StartValue - 1
        j = j + 3
    Next i
    Application.ScreenUpdating = scr
End Sub