有没有办法将 MicroStrategy 中创建的所有 sql 代码下载到 MicroStrategy 之外的文档中


我希望能够将 MicroStrategy 环境中存在的所有报表的所有 sql 代码下载到网络上我的个人文件夹或 c: 驱动器上的文件夹中。是否有可能?或者是否有我可以在 MicroStrategy 中访问的表,其中存储了所有 sql 代码


python 包 "mstrio-py" 可以更轻松地从 API 获取此类信息。也可以在那里找到有关如何安装/使用一些示例的指南。

据我所知,API 没有公开 report-sql-views。但是,如果您也需要这些,KB article 可能会有所帮助。


注意:您可能感兴趣的内容有所不同,“全新运行”的 SQL 与运行(多维数据集)缓存实例的 SQL。

from mstrio.connection import Connection
from mstrio.admin.application import Environment,Application,compare_application_settings
from mstrio.cube import Cube
from mstrio.report import Report
from mstrio.admin import dataset
from typing import Union,List
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError

#connection info
base_url = "https://HOST:PORT/MicroStrategyLibrary/api"
username = "USERNAME"
password = "PASSWORD"
project = "PROJECTNAME"
conn = Connection(base_url,username,password,project_name=project,login_mode=1) #1==standard login
env = Environment(connection=conn)

#do not filter subtype if you want to include user-uploaded cubes
datasets = dataset.list_datasets(connection=conn,subtype=[776])

# this only shows the SQL that would be used if you ran the cube right now. if you want to check what has been used use ROUTE2
# extra call for every sqlView is needed
for i,cube in enumerate(datasets,0):
    with conn.session.get(url=conn.base_url + '/api/v2/cubes/' + cube.id + '/sqlView') as res:
        except JSONDecodeError:

# alternatively grab every cached cube from monitor to get cache-ids. this is a bit different,this will show you the SQL of the data you already have retrieved
response = conn.session.get(url=f'{conn.base_url}/api/monitors/caches/cubes',params={'clusterNode': IS_NODE_NAME,'projectIds': conn.project_id})
monitor_caches = response.json()

# grab info for every cube cache found,there is a lot of additional info available
for cache in monitor_caches['cubeCaches']:
    response = conn.session.get(f'{conn.base_url}/api/monitors/caches/cubes/{cache["id"]}',headers={'X-MSTR-ProjectID': conn.project_id})
    monitor_cube_instance = response.json()
    #there may be multiple passes,simply appending might not be a good strategy
    cube_cache_sql = ','.join([x['sqlStatement'] for x in monitor_cube_instance['jobExecutionStatistics']['queryPasseInfos']])