我是否为 mediasoup 打开了错误的端口?


I'm trying to launch this on AWS Ubuntu

它在本地主机上的 Chrome 下运行良好。 (Firefox 有一个问题,希望使用 HTTPS 远程运行会使问题消失。但这与此问题无关。)

我使用 AWS 控制台打开了 readme.MD 上指定的端口(入站 TCP 到端口 3000,入站 UDP 到端口 40000-49999,允许所有出站流量。)

然后将 config.json 修改为:

module.exports = {
  // http server ip,port,and peer timeout constant
  httpIp: "",httpPort: 3000,httpPeerStale: 15000,// ssl certs. we'll start as http instead of https if we don't have
  // these
  sslCrt: "local.crt",sslKey: "local.key",mediasoup: {
    worker: {
      rtcMinPort: 40000,rtcMaxPort: 49999,logLevel: "debug",logTags: [
        "info","ice","dtls","rtp","srtp","rtcp",// 'rtx',// 'bwe',// 'score',// 'simulcast',// 'svc'
      ],},router: {
      mediaCodecs: [
          kind: "audio",mimeType: "audio/opus",clockRate: 48000,channels: 2,{
          kind: "video",mimeType: "video/VP8",clockRate: 90000,parameters: {
            //                'x-google-start-bitrate': 1000
          },mimeType: "video/h264",parameters: {
            "packetization-mode": 1,"profile-level-id": "4d0032","level-asymmetry-allowed": 1,//                        'x-google-start-bitrate'  : 1000
          },"profile-level-id": "42e01f",],// rtp listenIps are the most important thing,below. you'll need
    // to set these appropriately for your network for the demo to
    // run anywhere but on localhost
    webRtcTransport: {
      listenIps: [
        { ip: "172.3.-.-",announcedIp: "" },// { ip: "",announcedIp: null },// { ip: '',initialAvailableOutgoingBitrate: 800000,};

使用我在 AWS 控制台上找到的值:

enter image description here



enter image description here


(过了一会儿 Chrome 的控制台显示 mediasoup-client:Transport connection state changed to disconnected +17s


我将非常感谢您的帮助。提前谢谢你... :)



listenIps: [
        { ip: "172.3.-.-",announcedIp: "" },

尝试将您的 EC2 的公共 IP 放在 ip 中,并将 announcedIp 设置为 null。

或者,做我所做的here,因为我厌倦了摆弄 config.js 设置。

function getListenIps () {
  const listenIps = []
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    const os = require('os')
    const networkInterfaces = os.networkInterfaces()
    const ips = []
    if (networkInterfaces) {
      for (const [key,addresses] of Object.entries(networkInterfaces)) {
        addresses.forEach(address => {
          if (address.family === 'IPv4') {
            listenIps.push({ ip: address.address,announcedIp: null })
          /* ignore link-local and other special ipv6 addresses.
           * https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space/ipv6-address-space.xhtml
          else if (address.family === 'IPv6' 
                   && address.address[0] !== 'f') {
            listenIps.push({ ip: address.address,announcedIp: null })
  if (listenIps.length === 0) {
    listenIps.push({ ip: '',announcedIp: null })
  return listenIps

并且,请注意 WebRTC 可以在 mediasoup 网络服务器端口以外的端口上与 TLS 连接。



1.) 确保在用于 EC2 实例的安全组操作系统的防火墙(在Ubuntu 的情况是 ufw)。要在 ubuntu 上启用端口,您可以使用 sudo ufw allow 4000:4999/udp

2.) 对于 listenIps,使用 [{ ip: "",announcedIp: process.env.ANNOUNCED_IP }] 其中 ANNOUNCED_IP 环境变量等于 EC2 实例的公共 IPV4 地址