如何使用 Mutiny 反应式编程调用长时间运行的阻塞 void 返回方法?


我在 Mutiny 的 Uni 上有一个 Async 和 Sync 方法调用链,有些方法一个长期运行的过程,返回类型为 void



class Root {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final Response response = getResponsePayload(); // Gets the the Payload from upstream service
            .onItem().invoke(() -> System.out.println("Process Started"))
            .onItem().call(res -> {
            longRunningMethodAsync(res);    // long running blocking method,I want to run on a worker thread
            return Uni.createFrom().voidItem(); // This line I created,because of the ppipeline will be broken if the Uni is not returned from here
            .onItem().transform(item -> item.hello + " mutiny")
            item -> System.out.println(">> " + item));  // This is printed to the console

    // Boilerplate method - I created to invoke/call the actual method actual method - `longRunningMethod`,this method basically an adapter
    // This is the best apprach I Could come up,but I'm looking for better thatn this as I'm not conviced I'm doing it right
    private static UniSubscribe<Void> longRunningMethodAsync(final Response response) {

        return Uni.createFrom().voidItem().invoke(() -> longRunningMethod(response))

    // Important - this is the method I want to run asynchronously independently of main *event-looP* thread.
    private static void longRunningMethod(final Response response) {
        System.out.println("Long running process started"); // Doesn't get printed,which means this is never called at all,not even in the blocked manner by the main even-loop thread

   // Not as importatnt,I provded this in case if you like to run on your local Box
    private static Response getResponsePayload() {
        return new Response();

    private static class Response {
        public final String hello = "hello";


一般来说,使用 runSubscriptionOn 并传递一个特定的执行器:


请注意,它会将并发限制为 executor 中可用的线程数。



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