从另一个私有方法访问私有方法中的变量 C#


我有一个名为 privateRentingOrBuying(); 方法,用于收集有关房地产价格和利率的信息。我想创建另一个 private 方法来计算每月房屋贷款还款额,但我需要 RentingOrBuying() 中的信息。

我尝试过使用 get 和 set 方法,但初始化似乎不起作用。也许我做错了。任何帮助表示赞赏。我正在调用主类中的所有方法。值得让他们 private 还是我应该让方法 public。你会怎么做?

//this method uses the information gathered in RentingOrBuying and calculates the monthly home loan repayment
    private static void CalculateMonthlyLoanAmount()
        //accumulated amount = propertyPrice(1 + interestRate)^monthsToRepay
        double repaymentAmount = propertyPrice(1 + interestRate);

    //A method that asks whether the user is buying or renting accommodation and gathers necessary information
    private static void RentingOrBuying()
        Console.WriteLine("Are you going to be renting accommodation or buying a property? \n Please enter either [rent] or [buy]");
        //variable to store user input
        string buyingRenting = Console.ReadLine();
        if (buyingRenting.ToLower() == "rent")
            Console.WriteLine("We see you want to rent,please can you enter the monthly rental amount: ");
            //variable that stores the monthly rental amount.
            double monthlyRental = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("So you've chosen to buy,I will just need the following ionformation:");

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the purchase price of property: ");
            //variable stores the price of the property the user wants to buy
            double propertyPrice = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the total deposit: ");
            //variable stores the total deposit
            double totalDeposit = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the interest rate (percentage): ");
            //variable store the interest rate in percentage form
            int interestRate = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number of months to repay: ");
            //variable stores the amount of months to repay
            int monthsToRepay = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());



private static double CalculateMonthlyLoanAmount(double interestRate,double propertyPrice)
    // do whatever calculation you need do to here

    // return the result
    return result;



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