动画完成后的 CSS3 增量文本


我是 CSS 动画的新手,所以我做了这个小项目,其中有一个盒子在弹跳,看起来很真实。我希望框内的文本(一开始它只是一个 0)在框反弹/动画完成时增加 1。我尝试使用计数器,但它一直在重置。


* {
  font-family: sans-serif;

#container {
  border-bottom: 3px solid #444;
  display: flex;
  height: 330px;
  width: 100%;

#oboing {
  align-self: flex-end;
  animation-duration: 2s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  background-color: black;
  height: 200px;
  margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
  transform-origin: bottom;
  width: 200px;

#counter::before {
  color: white;
  position: relative;
  left: 40%;
  top: 40%;
  font-size: 50px;
  content: counter(bounceCount);

#oboing {
  animation-name: oboing;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.280,0.840,0.420,1);

@keyframes oboing {
  0% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(0);
    counter-reset: bounceCount,calc(counter(bounceCount)+1)
  10% {
    transform: scale(1.1,.9) translateY(0)
  30% {
    transform: scale(.9,1.1) translateY(-100px);
  50% {
    transform: scale(1.05,.95) translateY(0)
  57% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(-7px);
  64% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(0)
  100% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(0);
    counter-increment: bounceCount;

body {
  background: linear-gradient(191deg,#3a22bd,#ea2b0b);
  background-size: 400% 400%;
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: hidden;
  -webkit-animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;
  -moz-animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;
  -o-animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;
  animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;

@-webkit-keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%

@-moz-keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%

@-o-keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%

@keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
<div id='container'>
  <div id='oboing'>
    <span id='counter'>0</span>

我愿意接受任何建议,包括 CSS、HTML、Jquery、JS 等...



By it's definition,counter-increment 是一个非 animatable css 属性 - 这就是为什么你没有成功地在你的动画中使用它。您必须使用 javascript 函数来计算反弹次数。由于动画持续时间为 2 秒,因此一种方法是使用设置间隔方法并每 2 秒增加一次计数器。

document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = 0; 
function increment() {
     var x = document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML;
     //if we declare the x value as 0,it will keep resetting,//so instead,put we retrieve the initial value from the span 
     //and set the variable to that value
     //increase by 1
    document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = x; //set span value
setInterval(increment,2000);  //1000ms in 1 sec
* {
  font-family: sans-serif;

#container {
  border-bottom: 3px solid #444;
  display: flex;
  height: 330px;
  width: 100%;

#oboing {
  align-self: flex-end;
  animation-duration: 2s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  background-color: black;
  height: 200px;
  margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
  transform-origin: bottom;
  width: 200px;

#counter {
  color: white;
  position: relative;
  left: 40%;
  top: 40%;
  font-size: 50px;

#oboing {
  animation-name: oboing;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.280,0.840,0.420,1);

@keyframes oboing {
  0% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(0);
  10% {
    transform: scale(1.1,.9) translateY(0)
  30% {
    transform: scale(.9,1.1) translateY(-100px);
  50% {
    transform: scale(1.05,.95) translateY(0)
  57% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(-7px);
  64% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(0)
  100% {
    transform: scale(1,1) translateY(0);

body {
  background: linear-gradient(191deg,#3a22bd,#ea2b0b);
  background-size: 400% 400%;
  height: 100vh;
  overflow: hidden;
  -webkit-animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;
  -moz-animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;
  -o-animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;
  animation: Colors 4s ease infinite;

@-webkit-keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%

@-moz-keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%

@-o-keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%

@keyframes Colors {
  0% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
  50% {
    background-position: 100% 49%
  100% {
    background-position: 0% 52%
<div id='container'>
  <div id='oboing'>
    <span id='counter'>0</span>

希望这可以为您解决问题! :)


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