

我正在尝试编写一个两层神经网络的简单 NN,正如我在此处描述的那样 https://itisexplained.com/html/NN/ml/5_codingneuralnetwork/



# Two layered NW. Using from (1) and the equations we derived as explanations
# (1) http://iamtrask.github.io/2015/07/12/basic-python-network/

import numpy as np
# seed random numbers to make calculation deterministic 

# pretty print numpy array
np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.3f}'.format})

# let us code our sigmoid funciton
def sigmoid(x):
    return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))

# let us add a method that takes the derivative of x as well
def derv_sigmoid(x):
   return x*(1-x)

# set learning rate as 1 for this toy example
learningRate =  1

# input x,also used as the training set here
x = np.array([ [0,1],[0,1,[1,1]  ])

# desired output for each of the training set above
y = np.array([[0,0]]).T

# Explanaiton - as long as input has two ones,but not three,ouput is One
Input [0,1]  Output = 0
Input [0,1]  Output = 1
Input [1,1]  Output = 0

input_rows = 4
# Randomly initalised weights
weight1 =  np.random.random((3,input_rows))
weight2 =  np.random.random((input_rows,1))

print("Shape weight1",np.shape(weight1)) #debug
print("Shape weight2",np.shape(weight2)) #debug

# Activation to layer 0 is taken as input x
a0 = x

iterations = 1000
for iter in range(0,iterations):

  # Forward pass - Straight Forward
  z1= x @ weight1
  a1 = sigmoid(z1) 
  z2= a1 @ weight2
  a2 = sigmoid(z2) 

  # Backward Pass - Backpropagation 
  delta2  = (y-a2)
  # Calcluating change of Cost/Loss wrto weight of 2nd/last layer
  # Eq (A) ---> dC_dw2 = delta2*derv_sigmoid(z2)

  dC_dw2  = delta2 * derv_sigmoid(a2)

  if iter == 0:
    print("Shape dC_dw2",np.shape(dC_dw2)) #debug
  # Calcluating change of Cost/Loss wrto weight of 2nd/last layer
  # Eq (B)---> dC_dw1 = derv_sigmoid(a1)*delta2*derv_sigmoid(a2)*weight2
  # note  delta2*derv_sigmoid(a2) == dC_dw2 
  # dC_dw1 = derv_sigmoid(a1)*dC_dw2*weight2
  dC_dw1 =  (np.multiply(dC_dw2,weight2.T)) * derv_sigmoid(a1)
  if iter == 0:
    print("Shape dC_dw1",np.shape(dC_dw1)) #debug

  #Gradinent descent
  #weight2 = weight2 - learningRate*dC_dw2 --> these are what the textbook tells
  #weight1 = weight1 - learningRate*dC_dw1 

  weight2 = weight2 + learningRate*np.dot(a1.T,dC_dw2) # this is what works
  weight1 = weight1 + learningRate*np.dot(a0.T,dC_dw1) 

print("New ouput\n",a2)


  weight2 = weight2 + learningRate*np.dot(a1.T,dC_dw2)
  weight1 = weight1 + learningRate*np.dot(a0.T,dC_dw1) 


  #weight2 = weight2 - learningRate*dC_dw2
  #weight1 = weight1 - learningRate*dC_dw1 






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