比 elasticsearch SQL Server 慢


我比较了 sql Server 和 ElasticSearch 的速度。我有 150 万条数据。但是 sql 查询比弹性搜索运行得更快。我不明白这个问题。为什么像查询这样的词在 sql 中完成得更快?

我的 sql 代码

public static List<Sales> GetAllRecords(string itemType)
            List<Sales> salesReports = new List<Sales>();

            string sqlQuery = String.Format(@"SELECT * FROM dbo.Sales  where Region like '%{0}%'",itemType);
            using (sqlConnection connection = new sqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING))
                var result = connection.Query<Sales>(sqlQuery);
                foreach (var item in result)
                    Sales global = new Sales()
                        Region = item.Region,Country = item.Country,Item_Type=item.Item_Type,Order_Date=item.Order_Date,Order_ID = item.Order_ID,Order_Priority=item.Order_Priority,Sales_Channel=item.Sales_Channel,Ship_Date = item.Ship_Date,Total_Cost=item.Total_Cost,Total_Profit=item.Total_Profit,Total_Revenue=item.Total_Revenue,Units_Sold=item.Units_Sold,Unit_Cost=item.Unit_Cost,Unit_Price = item.Unit_Price
                return result.ToList();

我的 ElasticSearch 代码。我在这里用 elasticsearch 搜索我之前索引的数据。

public static List<Sales> ConfigureES(string inputText)
                List<Sales> salesReports = new List<Sales>();
                // 1. Connection URL's elastic search
                var listofUrls = new Uri[]
                    // here we can set multple connectionn URL's...
                     new Uri("http://localhost:9200/")
                StaticConnectionPool connPool = new StaticConnectionPool(listofUrls);
                ConnectionSettings connSett = new ConnectionSettings(connPool);
                Elasticclient eClient = new Elasticclient(connSett);
                //  var see = eClient.DeleteIndex(INDEX_NAME);
                // check the connection health
                var checkClusterHealth = eClient.ClusterHealth();
                if (checkClusterHealth.ApiCall.Success && checkClusterHealth.IsValid)
                    // 2. check the index exist or not 
                    var checkResult = eClient.IndexExists(INDEX_NAME);
                    if (!checkResult.Exists)
                        // Raise error to Index not avaliable
                    // Search particular text field 
                    var searchResponse = eClient.Search<Sales>(s => 
                   .Query(q => q.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.Region).Query(inputText))));
                    //var results = eClient.Scroll<Salesreport>("10m",searchResponse.ScrollId);
                    while (searchResponse.Documents.Any())
                        var res = searchResponse.Documents;
                        var sds = res.Cast<Sales>();
                        searchResponse = eClient.Scroll<Sales>("10m",searchResponse.ScrollId);
                    // fail log the exception further use
                    var exception = checkClusterHealth.OriginalException.ToString();
                    var debugException = checkClusterHealth.Debuginformation.ToString();
                return salesReports;


public static string CONNECTION_STRING = string.Empty;
            public static string INDEX_NAME = "elastic";
            public static string INDEX_TYPE = "report4";
            private static Elasticclient eClient;
            static void Main(string[] args)
                    // read the config file ...
                    var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                    CONNECTION_STRING = configuration.GetSection("DefaultConnection").Value;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CONNECTION_STRING))
                        throw new ArgumentException("No connection string in appsettings.json");
                    // 1. Connection URL's elastic search
                    var listofUrls =
                    // here we can set multple connectionn URL's...
                     new Uri("http://localhost:9200/");
                    ConnectionSettings connSett = new ConnectionSettings(listofUrls);
                     eClient = new Elasticclient(connSett);
                    //  var see = eClient.DeleteIndex(INDEX_NAME);
                    var createIndexDescriptor = new CreateIndexDescriptor(INDEX_NAME).Mappings(ms => ms.Map<Sales>(m => m.AutoMap()));
                    // check the connection health
                    var checkClusterHealth = eClient.ClusterHealth();
                    if (checkClusterHealth.ApiCall.Success && checkClusterHealth.IsValid)
                        // 2. check the index exist or not 
                        var checkResult = eClient.IndexExists(INDEX_NAME);
                        if (!checkResult.Exists)
                            var createIndexResponse = eClient.CreateIndex(createIndexDescriptor);
                            if (createIndexResponse.ApiCall.Success && createIndexResponse.IsValid)
                                // index is created successfully....
                                // fail log the exception further use
                                var exception = createIndexResponse.OriginalException.ToString();
                                var debugException = createIndexResponse.Debuginformation.ToString();
                        // 3. get the last documet id of index
                        var lastRecordResponse = eClient.Search<Sales>(s => s
                            .Size(1).sort(sr => sr.Descending(f => f.Order_ID)));
                        if (lastRecordResponse.ApiCall.Success && lastRecordResponse.IsValid)
                            Console.WriteLine("Start " + DateTime.Now);
                            long salesRecordId = 0;
                            var listofrecords = new List<Sales>();
                            if (lastRecordResponse.Documents.Count >= 1)
                                var obj = lastRecordResponse.Documents;
                                foreach (var item in obj)
                                    salesRecordId = item.Order_ID;
                                listofrecords = GetAllRecords(salesRecordId);
                                listofrecords = GetAllRecords(salesRecordId);
                            Console.WriteLine("END " + DateTime.Now);
                            //   Insert the data into document format corresponding index...
                            if (listofrecords.Count > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("===== START========= " + DateTime.Now);
                                Console.WriteLine("===== END========= " + DateTime.Now);
                            // fail log the exception further use
                            var exception = lastRecordResponse.OriginalException.ToString();
                            var debugException = lastRecordResponse.Debuginformation.ToString();
                        // fail log the exception further use
                        var exception = checkClusterHealth.OriginalException.ToString();
                        var debugException = checkClusterHealth.Debuginformation.ToString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
                catch (Exception ex)
            public static List<Sales> GetAllRecords(long LastSalesId)
                List<Sales> salesReports = new List<Sales>();
                string sqlQuery = String.Format(@"SELECT * FROM dbo.Sales  where Order_ID > {0} ",LastSalesId);
                using (sqlConnection connection = new sqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING))
                    using (sqlCommand command = new sqlCommand(sqlQuery,connection))
                        command.CommandTimeout = 1000;
                        using (sqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader())
                            if (dataReader.HasRows)
                                while (dataReader.Read())
                                    Sales global = new Sales()
                                            Order_ID=Convert.ToInt32(dataReader["Order_ID"]),Region=Convert.ToString(dataReader["Region"]),Country = Convert.ToString(dataReader["Country"]),Total_Cost = (decimal)Convert.Todouble(dataReader["Total_Cost"]),Total_Revenue = Convert.ToString(dataReader["Total_Revenue"]),Item_Type = Convert.ToString(dataReader["Item_Type"])
                return salesReports;
            static async Task BulkInsertData(List<Sales> listofData,Elasticclient Eclient)
                    var splitTheLargeList = ChunkBy(listofData);
                    var test = splitTheLargeList.LastOrDefault();
                    foreach (var item in splitTheLargeList)
                        var bulkResponse = await Eclient.BulkAsync(b => b
                                            // .Type(INDEX_TYPE)
                        if (bulkResponse.ApiCall.Success && bulkResponse.IsValid)
                            // success fully inserted...
                            // fail log the exception further use
                            var exception = bulkResponse.OriginalException.ToString();
                            var debugException = bulkResponse.Debuginformation.ToString();
                catch (Exception ex)
            public static List<List<T>> ChunkBy<T>(List<T> source,int chunkSize = 1000)
                return source
                    .Select((x,i) => new { Index = i,Value = x })
                    .GroupBy(x => x.Index / chunkSize)
                    .Select(x => x.Select(v => v.Value).ToList())
            public static IEnumerable<List<T>> SplitList<T>(List<T> listofData,int listSize = 1000)
                for (int i = 0; i < listofData.Count; i += listSize)
                    yield return listofData.GetRange(i,Math.Min(listSize,listofData.Count - i));




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)