

我是一名 Python 初学者,我想执行一个方法 (A),并带有参数,该方法调用一个将返回值到 (A) 的方法 (B)。 我只是无法直接到达 (B) 方法,为此我使用了一个 main。所以我无法从(A)中检索(B)的信息 我的架构是这样的:

Main Folder
|-> test_caller.py (A)
|-> called_file.py (B)

我想从 test_caller.py(主方法调用一个带有参数的方法,该方法将执行到 called_file.py(function_Called())的方法,如果可能的话,我希望 function_caller() 方法返回标志或值。

test_caller.py :

import sys 
import subprocess
import os

def main():
    #method can't return something
    # my_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__+"/../"),"test.py")
    # script_descriptor = open(my_path)
    # a_script = script_descriptor.read()
    # sys.argv = [my_path,"variable1","https://google.com"]
    # exec(a_script)

    my_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__+"/../"),"test.py")
    #call function tes.py,but need a main method and so doesn't return the function value yet
    test = subprocess.run(['python',my_path,"https://google.com"],check=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

称为_file.py :

import sys
import requests
def function_called(variable,variable2):
    #Potato = Flag 
    try :
        potato = 0
        print(str(variable + " is ready to use "+ variable2 + " as variable number 2"))
        request = requests.get(variable2)
        if(request.status_code == 200):
            response = request.text
            return response
        else :
            potato = 1
    #Flag exception potato = 1 => failure
    except Exception as  exc :
        print("An error occured " + str(exc))
        potato = 1
    return potato

    #I want that main issue disappear,for returning potato method value (flag 0 or 1) to my method's calling
    # if __name__ == "__main__":
    #     function_called(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])



你好 AKX 感谢你的帮助,这个解决方案可能对我们的程序有好处, 对于那些遇到过类似问题的人,现在的解决方案是:

在 test_caller.py 上:

def main(): 
    test = importlib.import_module("called_file")
    object = test.function_called("tata","https://www.google.com")
    print(object) #do what you want from the returned object