Spring Jpa Projection 接口出现布尔类型错误 问为什么 JPA Projection 无法将 Mysql bit(1) 转换为 Java Boolean?JPA 存储库投影界面


问。为什么 JPA Projection 无法将 MysqL bit(1) 转换为 Java Boolean

MysqL Projection type must be an interface! 类型映射到 Java bit(1) 类型时,Spring Jpa 投影发生错误 Boolean

Jpa 将 Entity 类中的 Boolean 列转换为 MysqL Table 中的 bit(1) 列。

如果我将 PlanInfoProjection 接口 getIsBasic 中的 Integer 类型更改为 Boolean,它不起作用。为什么会出现错误

JPA 存储库

@Query(nativeQuery=true,value="select true as isBasic from dual")
ProductOrderDto.PlanInfoProjection findplanInfoById(Long id);


public class ProductOrderDto {

    public static class PlanInfo {
        private Boolean isBasic;

        public PlanInfo(PlanInfoProjection projection) {
            // this.isBasic = projection.getIsBasic(); //<-- I want to use like this.
            if (projection.getIsBasic() == null) {
                this.isBasic = null;
            } else {
                this.isBasic = projection.getIsBasic() == 0 ? false : true;
    public interface PlanInfoProjection {
        Integer getIsBasic();    // It works,but I have to convert Integer to Boolean to use. 
        //Boolean getIsBasic();  // doesn't work,but why???
        //Boolean isBasic();     // also doesn't work
        //boolean isBasic();     // also doesn't work




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