批处理脚本 - 重命名现有文件,否则将文件复制到目标文件夹


我正在使用批处理脚本 (.bat) 将文件从源文件夹复制到目标文件夹。如果目标文件夹中存在文件,我想用时间戳作为后缀重命名文件并复制新文件。如果不存在,我想新文件复制自己。

这是我当前的代码,我找到了 here


REM ### Needed so the variables will expand properly within the FOR DO loops ###
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

REM ### Set the source file(s) and call the "copyIt" subroutine ###
SET Sourcefile=Arthematic.psf
CALL :copyIt

REM ### End of the program.  Otherwise the subroutine will run again ###

REM ### The subroutine ###
    REM ### Set the date and time to a variable called "DaTime" and remove offending ###
    REM ### characters (/ and :) that can't be used in a filename ###
    FOR /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ("!date!") do SET DaTime=%%b-%%c-%%d
    FOR /f "tokens=1-3 delims=':'" %%e in ("!time!") do SET DaTime=!DaTime!_%%e-%%f-%%g

    REM ### Set a variable called "DestFile" to source filename minus ".psf" ###
    REM ### to be used to set the new destination file name + "DaTime" ###
    SET Destfile=!Sourcefile:.psf=!

    REM ### Check to see if the source filename exists in the destination directory ###
    DIR "C:\Program Files\Math\Core Simulate\M020\Arthematic\bin\!Sourcefile!" > NUL
    IF !ErrorLevel!==0 (
        REM ### If it does exist,set the loop count to 0 ###
        SET /a Count=0
        REM ### Have xcopy check to see if the source file is newer,but only report and not copy ###
        REM ### Thanks to selbie for suggesting the /L option ###
        FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=0" %%s in ('xcopy /Y /D /L "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Kollective\!Sourcefile!" "C:\Program Files\Math\Core Simulate\M020\Arthematic\bin\"') DO (
            REM ### Increment the loop count ###
            SET /a Count=!Count!+1
            REM ### Only pick up the first iteration.  If the files are different,it will be the full path and the filename ###
            If !Count!==1 SET Source=%%s
        REM ### If the source is the same as the destination,then !Source! will = " File(s)".  Change it to NONE ###
        SET Source=!Source: File^(s^)=NONE!
        REM ### If it's not equal to NONE,copy the file and rename it to source file + date & time + .txt ###
        IF !Source! NEQ NONE copY /Y "!Source!" "C:\Program Files\Math\Core Simulate\M020\Arthematic\bin\!Destfile!-!DaTime!.psf"
    ) ELSE (
        REM ### If it does not exist,copy the file without renaming it ###
        copY /Y "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Kollective\!Sourcefile!" "C:\Program Files\Math\Core Simulate\M020\Arthematic\bin\"
REM ### Exit the subroutine ###



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