ContextGraphics 绘制图像,在 Java 中什么都不绘制


我的项目中有两个类。。类GraphicsContext 应该将 对象传递给,以便它在//This is the main class and it extends Application class for drawing a frame object public class Main extends Application{ //Define the main method public static void main(String args[]){ //Draw the frame launch(args); } //This method override and passes a GraphicsContext object to a method in another class for drawing image @Override public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception { //Set the title of the application window stage.setTitle("Village"); Group root= new Group(); //Define a new canvas object Canvas newcanvas= new Canvas(); //Get GraphicsContext object from the canvas GraphicsContext gc=newcanvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); //Get an object of the class whose draw() method we wish to access Village myvillage=Village.create(); //Call the method and pass GraphicsContext object as a parameter myvillage.draw(gc); root.getChildren().add(newcanvas); stage.setScene(new Scene(root));; } } 的应用程序框架上绘制一些图像。但似乎我的代码一个错误,因为它没有绘制任何东西......这是我的代码......


现在另一个具有目标 same directory 方法的类是这个。在那里定义的图像作为这些类文件public class Village{ // Y co ordinate of where to draw the image static final double Y_VILLAGE=30; public void draw(GraphicsContext r){ Image house=new Image("file:House.png",100,250,false,false); //Define the xPosition for this House object MyBuilding y=(MyBuilding)MyBuilding.create(); //Use the GraphicsContext to draw on the Canvas,we get an X position on where to draw from user dialog //Draw the image r.drawImage(house,y.getXposition(),Village.Y_VILLAGE); } } 中。



enter image description here


在查看您的代码时,我注意到您存在误解。为了能够在画布上绘图,您必须覆盖 paint 方法并在那里进行绘图操作。 我希望提示可以帮助您进一步。