将文件从 C# WPF 传输到 C 客户端


我正在尝试将文本文件从基于 wpf 的 C# 服务器传递到我制作的 C 客户端。

出于某种原因,在 C 部分,当我尝试写入文件时,它说


fwrite 函数中。


我检查了发送的文件大小,没问题,双方打印的大小相同,从 C# 端它说已全部发送,但在 C 端写入文件失败。

用于传输的 C# 代码

 public static void SendFile(Socket clientSocket,string fileName)
        string folder = @"C:\Users\Roy\source\repos\GUI243\GUI243\";
        string fullPath = folder + fileName;
        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fullPath);
        long file_size = fi.Length;
        byte[] preBuffer;
        using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
            using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream))
            preBuffer = memoryStream.ToArray();
        clientSocket.Send(preBuffer); // sending size
        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(fullPath,FileMode.Open)))
            byte[] message = new Byte[4096];
            int size_passed = 0;
                size_passed += 4096;
                file_size -= message.Length;
            } while (file_size > 0);
       // clientSocket.SendFile(fullPath,preBuffer,null,TransmitFileOptions.UseDefaultWorkerThread);
        MessageBox.Show("File has been sent!");

C 客户端:

General : function is responsible for receiving a length of data from the client
Parameters : sock - client socket to receive the data from
             *buf - holds a pointer to the buffer that needs to update
             bufsize - the length of the buffer

Return Value : returns TRUE when the data is read correctly
               else,FALSE when there was a socket error or no bytes are received.
bool recv_raw(SOCKET sock,void* buf,int bufsize)
    unsigned char* pbuf = (unsigned char*)buf;
    while (bufsize > 0) {
        int num = recv(sock,pbuf,bufsize,0);
        if (num <= 0) { return false; }
        pbuf += num;
        bufsize -= num;
    return true;

General : receives the length of the file and updates it

Parameters : sock - client socket to receive the data from
             *filesize - holds a pointer to the size of the buffer that needs to update
             filesize_len - the length of the file size pointer
Return Value : returns TRUE when the size is read correctly
               else,FALSE when there was a socket error or no bytes are received.
bool recv_file_len(SOCKET sock,long* filesize)
    if (!recv_raw(sock,filesize,sizeof(*filesize))) { return false; }
    return true;

General : writes to the lua file the data from the file
that was received in the socket
Parameters : sock - the socket between the client and server
             *f - the file to write the data received to
Return Value : returns TRUE when everything was written to the file.
returns FALSE if there's no data received or detected a socket problem.
bool receive_and_write_file(SOCKET sock,FILE *f)
    long filesize;//size of address
    if (!recv_file_len(sock,&filesize)) { return false; }
    printf("file size (From C# client) : %ld\n",filesize);
    if (filesize > 0)
        char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
        do {
            int num = min(filesize,BUFFER_SIZE);
            if (!recv_raw(sock,buffer,num)) {
                return false;
            int offset = 0;
                size_t written = fwrite(&buffer[offset],1,num - offset,f); // the Fatal error
                if (written < 1) { return false; }
                offset += written;
            } while (offset < num);
            filesize -= num;
        } while (filesize > 0);
    return true;




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