'找不到名为 Brand_ID 的列参数名称:columnName'




 dtBrands = fnGetmmBranchBrand(0)
  If dtBrands IsNot nothing Then 'if the datatable exists
            dvBrands.Table = dtBrands  'bind the datatable
            If dvBrands.Table.Columns.Contains("Branch_ID") Then
                dvBrands.RowFilter = "Branch_ID=" & intBranch_ID 'filter out all the records that aren't supposed to be in
            End If
            blProcessEvents = True 'set the semaphore to true here so that when the dg is populated the rows get filtered out of the comboBox
            dgBrands.DataSource = dvBrands  'Fill the datagrid with the dv
end if

填充 dv 会按预期触发行添加事件处理程序

Private Sub dgBrands_RowsAdded(sender As Object,e As DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs) Handles dgBrands.RowsAdded
            If blProcessEvents = True Then
            'when a row is added count through all the rows that are in the datagrid
            'and then refresh the results in the cbo based on the ones it didn't find in the dg
            Dim intIndex As Integer = 0 'this is a counter
            Dim strMasterFilter As String = "" 'clear the search string first

For intIndex = 0 To dgBrands.Rows.Count - 1 'count through all the rows in the dg
                If dgBrands.Rows(intIndex).Cells("Brand_ID").Value IsNot nothing Then 'check if Brand_ID value exists in the datagrid
                    Dim intBrand_ID As Integer = dgBrands.Rows(intIndex).Cells("Brand_ID").Value 'grab the Brand_ID value and store it in a variable
               end if

但随后“如果 dgBrands.Rows(intIndex).Cells("Brand_ID").Value IsNot nothing Then”错误地说:'找不到名为 Brand_ID 的列。 参数名称:columnName' 这对我来说毫无意义,因为 Column 拼写正确, its part of the dv that is its datasource

最奇怪的是 MessageBox.Show(dgBrands.Columns.Count) = 1!,由于某种原因只显示了“ID”列.....




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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