用证书连接 Kurento



  • 步骤 1: 使用以下代码块创建 kurento 配置 json 文件
  • 第 2 步: 将包含 kurento.config.json 的文件夹 /etc/kurento 与 docker 中的 /etc/kurento 绑定
  • 第 3 步: 将 wss 与域“wss://{domainname}/kurento”连接。域名是我公司部署该目标的端口 端口 8433。

但是,我的客户端仍然无法连接到 kurento 媒体服务器并返回 webSocket 连接失败,有时会出现语法错误。因此,问题是我做错了哪一步,如何修复发布端口?

|  | "mediaServer": {|
|  | "resources": {|
|  | "//": "KMS will raise an error when reaching this usage% of Kernel resources",|
|  | "//": "Applies to allowed number of threads,and number of open file descriptors",|
|  | "//": "Default: 0.8 (80%)",|
|  | "//exceptionLimit": "0.8",|
|  | "//": "KMS process will be automatically killed when there are no sessions but this % of resources are in use",|
|  | "//killLimit": "0.7",|
|  | "//": "Garbage collector period,in seconds",|
|  | "//": "Default: 240 (4 minutes)",|
|  | "garbageCollectorPeriod": 240,|
|  | "//": "Whether to disable the RPC API request cache,for memory constrained environments",|
|  | "//": "Default: false",|
|  | "disableRequestCache": false|
|  | },|
|  | "net": {|
|  | "websocket": {|
|  | "//": "Try (or not) to use IPv6 for the WebSocket connection,with IPv4 fallback",|
|  | "//": "Default: true",|
|  | "//ipv6": false,|
|  | "//": "WebSocket port where API clients connect to control KMS",|
|  | "//": "Set to 0 or comment out the line to disable WebSocket access",|
|  | "port": 8888,|
|  | "secure": {|
|  | "//": "Secure WebSocket port where API clients connect to control KMS",|
|  | "//": "Set to 0 or comment out the line to disable Secure WebSocket access",|
|  | "port": 8433,|
|  | "//": "Path (absolute or relative to this config file) to the",|
|  | "//": "concatenated certificate (chain) file(s) + private key,in PEM format",|
|  | "certificate": "/etc/kurento_folder/certificateKurento.pem",|
|  | "//": "Password for the private key,if one was set when the key was created",|
|  | "password": "interviewEyeQ123#@!!@##@!"
|  | },|
|  | "//registrar": {|
|  | "//address": "ws://localhost:9090",|
|  | "//localAddress": "localhost"|
|  | },|
|  | "//": "Maximum queue length of pending connections (see sysctl tcp_max_syn_backlog)",|
|  | "//": "Default: SOMAXCONN (128)",|
|  | "//connqueue": 128,|
|  | "path": "kurento",|
|  | "threads": 10|
|  | }|
|  | }|
|  | }|
|  | }|




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)