


警告:pyfar.signal.TimeData.times 的重复对象描述,pyfar.classes_audio 中的其他实例,使用 :noindex: 作为其中之一

但想不通为什么?有人建议我可能在不同的 rst 文件中两次包含相同的对象。但我认为事实并非如此。

我尝试基于原始包 (https://github.com/pyfar/pyfar/tree/develop/docs) 创建一个最小的工作示例:


git clone https://github.com/f-brinkmann/pyfar_sphinx_test.git pyfar_sphinx_test
cd pyfar_sphinx_test


conda create --name sphinx_test python<3.9
conda activate sphinx_test
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install -e .


cd docs
make clean
make html


Running Sphinx v3.5.3
making output directory... done
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
building [html]: targets for 1 source files that are out of date
updating environment: [new config] 1 added,0 changed,0 removed
reading sources... [100%] index
C:\Users\panik\Desktop\pyfar_sphinx_test\pyfar\signal.py:docstring of pyfar.signal.FrequencyData.fft_norm:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of pyfar.signal.FrequencyData.fft_norm,other instance in index,use :noindex: for one of them
C:\Users\panik\Desktop\pyfar_sphinx_test\pyfar\signal.py:docstring of pyfar.signal.FrequencyData.frequencies:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of pyfar.signal.FrequencyData.frequencies,use :noindex: for one of them
C:\Users\panik\Desktop\pyfar_sphinx_test\pyfar\signal.py:docstring of pyfar.signal.Signal.domain:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of pyfar.signal.Signal.domain,use :noindex: for one of them
C:\Users\panik\Desktop\pyfar_sphinx_test\pyfar\signal.py:docstring of pyfar.signal.Signal.fft_norm:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of pyfar.signal.Signal.fft_norm,use :noindex: for one of them
C:\Users\panik\Desktop\pyfar_sphinx_test\pyfar\signal.py:docstring of pyfar.signal.Signal.sampling_rate:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of pyfar.signal.Signal.sampling_rate,use :noindex: for one of them
C:\Users\panik\Desktop\pyfar_sphinx_test\pyfar\signal.py:docstring of pyfar.signal.TimeData.times:1: WARNING: duplicate object description of pyfar.signal.TimeData.times,use :noindex: for one of them
looking for Now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [100%] index
generating indices... genindex py-modindex done
highlighting module code... [100%] pyfar.signal
writing additional pages... search done
copying static files... done
copying extra files... done
dumping search index in English (code: en)... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded,6 warnings.



问题似乎是您在文档字符串中使用了 Attributes 标头来处理某些 __init__ 方法。如果将其更改为 Parameters(这是正确的标题),警告就会消失。


def __init__(self,data,frequencies,fft_norm=None,comment=None,dtype=complex):
        """Init FrequencyData with data,and frequencies.
        data : array,double
            Raw data in the frequency domain. The memory layout of Data is 'C'.
            E.g. data of shape (3,2,1024) has 3 x 2 channels with 1024
            frequency bins each.
        frequencies : array,double
            Frequencies of the data in Hz. The number of frequencies must match
            the size of the last dimension of data.
        fft_norm : 'none','unitary','amplitude','rms','power','psd'
            The kind of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) normalization. See
            pyfar.fft.normalization and _[#] for more information. The default
            is 'none',which is typically used for energy signals,such as
            impulse responses.
        comment : str
            A comment related to the data. The default is None.
        dtype : string,optional
            Raw data type of the signal. The default is float64