安装错误 Agda:无法识别的选项 `x'


我正在尝试在 Windows 10 上安装 Agda,但出现以下错误

C:\Program Files\Haskell\bin>cabal install Agda
Resolving dependencies...
Build profile: -w ghc-7.0.1 -O1
In order,the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - Win32- (lib:Win32) (requires build)
 - haskell-src-exts- (lib:haskell-src-exts) (requires build)
 - vector- (lib) (requires build)
 - zlib- (lib) (requires build)
 - time-1.3 (lib:time) (requires build)
 - hashtables- (lib) (requires build)
 - directory- (lib:directory) (requires build)
 - cpphs-1.18.9 (exe:cpphs) (requires build)
 - Agda- (lib:Agda,exe:agda,exe:agda-mode) (requires build)
Starting     zlib- (lib)
Starting     vector- (lib)
Starting     Win32- (all,legacy fallback)
Starting     haskell-src-exts- (all,legacy fallback)
Building     vector- (lib)
Building     zlib- (lib)
Building     Win32- (all,legacy fallback)
Building     haskell-src-exts- (all,legacy fallback)

Failed to build Win32-
Build log (
Preprocessing library for Win32-
unrecognized option `-x'
Usage: hsc2hs.exe [OPTIONS] INPUT.hsc [...]

  -o FILE          --output=FILE          name of main output file
  -t FILE          --template=FILE        template file
  -c PROG          --cc=PROG              C compiler to use
  -l PROG          --ld=PROG              linker to use
  -C FLAG          --cflag=FLAG           flag to pass to the C compiler
  -I DIR                                  passed to the C compiler
  -L FLAG          --lflag=FLAG           flag to pass to the linker
  -i FILE          --include=FILE         as if placed in the source
  -D NAME[=VALUE]  --define=NAME[=VALUE]  as if placed in the source
                   --no-compile           stop after writing *_hsc_make.c
  -v               --verbose              dump commands to stderr
  -?               --help                 display this help and exit
  -V               --version              output version information and exit

Failed to build haskell-src-exts-
Build log (
Building haskell-src-exts-
Preprocessing library haskell-src-exts-
[ 1 of 22] Compiling Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax ( src\Language\Haskell\Exts\Annotated\Syntax.hs,dist\build\Language\Haskell\Exts\Annotated\Syntax.o )

    Can't make a derived instance of `Foldable ModuleName':
      You need -XDeriveFunctor to derive an instance for this class
    In the data type declaration for `ModuleName'

    Can't make a derived instance of `Traversable ModuleName':
      You need -XDeriveFunctor to derive an instance for this class
    In the data type declaration for `ModuleName'





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