使用`generics-sop`推导投影函数 示例



getField :: (Generic a,HasDatatypeInfo a) => Proxy (name :: Symbol) -> a -> b

使用 Symbol 库,使用类型级字符串 (generics-sop) 从任意记录投影字段?

这类似于Retrieving record function in generic SOP,但我有以下问题:

  • OP 没有解释如何走最后一英里来获得我想要的签名。
  • OP 定义了复杂的特殊用途助手类型,我很想避免这种情况
  • 给定的解决方案仅在运行时出错,但编译时匹配应该是可能的,因为类型级别 DataTypeInfo 是通过 DatatypeInfoOf 类型系列提供的(很好,但不是必需的).

lens-sop 包也seems to do something similar,但我不知道如何让它对我有用。

我也更喜欢使用 IsProductType 类型类的解决方案。



我认为这可以通过将名称查找与产品处理的其余部分分开来稍微简化。即:使用数据类型信息来计算字段编号(作为一元自然数),然后使用该数字来挖掘代码。不幸的是,PowerBI_App 似乎没有很好的工具来处理列表压缩,所以我最终“手工”做了很多事情。



{-# language EmptyCase,GADTs,TypeFamilies,DataKinds,TypeOperators,RankNTypes #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances,UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes,TypeApplications,MultiParamTypeClasses,FlexibleContexts,FlexibleInstances,MagicHash,UnboxedTuples,ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Data.Proj where
import Data.Kind (Type,Constraint)
import Generics.SOP
import Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata as GST
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Type.Equality (type (==))

-- This is what you were looking for,but slightly more flexible.
genericPrj :: forall s b a.
  ( Generic a,HasFieldNS s b (GetConstructorInfos (DatatypeInfoOf a)) (Code a))
  => a -> b
genericPrj a = case genericPrj# @s a of (# b #) -> b

-- This version lets you force the *extraction* of a field without
-- forcing the field itself.
genericPrj# :: forall s b a.
  ( Generic a,HasFieldNS s b (GetConstructorInfos (DatatypeInfoOf a)) (Code a))
  => a -> (# b #)
genericPrj# a = case from a of
  SOP xs -> extraction @s @b @(GetConstructorInfos (DatatypeInfoOf a)) @(Code a) xs

-- | Extract info about the constructor(s) from 'GST.DatatypeInfo'.
type family GetConstructorInfos (inf :: GST.DatatypeInfo) :: [GST.ConstructorInfo] where
  GetConstructorInfos ('GST.ADT _ _ infos _) = infos
  GetConstructorInfos ('GST.Newtype _ _ info) = '[info]

class HasFieldNS (s :: Symbol) b (cis :: [GST.ConstructorInfo]) (code :: [[Type]]) where
  extraction :: NS (NP I) code -> (# b #)
instance HasFieldNS s b cis '[] where
  extraction x = case x of
instance (HasFieldNP' s b r c,HasFieldNS s b cis cs,rec ~ 'GST.Record q r,VerifyRecord rec)
    => HasFieldNS s b (rec ': cis) (c ': cs) where
  extraction (Z x) = extractIt @s @b @rec @c x
  extraction (S x) = extraction @s @b @cis @cs x

type family VerifyRecord rec :: Constraint where
  VerifyRecord ('GST.Record _ _) = ()
  VerifyRecord _ = TypeError ('Text "Constructor is not in record form.")

-- | Given info about a constructor,a list of its field types,and the name and
-- type of a field,produce an extraction function.
class HasFieldNP (s :: Symbol) b (ci :: GST.ConstructorInfo) (fields :: [Type]) where
  extractIt :: NP I fields -> (# b #)
instance (HasFieldNP' s b fi fields,ci ~ 'GST.Record _cn fi)
    => HasFieldNP s b ci fields where
  extractIt = extractIt' @s @_ @fi

class HasFieldNP' (s :: Symbol) b (fi :: [GST.FieldInfo]) (fields :: [Type]) where
  extractIt' :: NP I fields -> (# b #)

class TypeError ('Text "Can't find field " ':<>: 'ShowType s)
    => MissingField (s :: Symbol) where
  impossible :: a

instance MissingField s => HasFieldNP' s b fi '[] where
  extractIt' = impossible @s ()

instance HasFieldNP'' s b (fi == s) field fis fields =>
  HasFieldNP' s b ('GST.FieldInfo fi ': fis) (field ': fields) where
  extractIt' = extractIt'' @s @b @(fi == s) @field @fis @fields

class HasFieldNP'' (s :: Symbol) b (match :: Bool) (field :: Type) (fis :: [GST.FieldInfo]) (fields :: [Type]) where
  extractIt'' :: NP I (field ': fields) -> (# b #)
instance b ~ field => HasFieldNP'' _s b 'True field fis fields where
  extractIt'' (I x :* _) = (# x #)
instance (HasFieldNP' s b fis fields) => HasFieldNP'' s b 'False _field fis fields where
  extractIt'' (_ :* fields) = extractIt' @s @b @fis fields

从 版开始,records-sop 提供了 this function

getField :: forall s a b ra. (IsRecord a ra,IsElemOf s b ra) => a -> b


data Foo = Foo { bar :: Int }

getField @"bar" (Foo 42) === 42

这提供了编译时提取,尽管它仍然需要一些转换以适应我项目中操作标准 generics-sop 元数据的现有代码。

这仅适用于单构造函数类型。 @dfeuer 的回答也支持和类型。

感谢@kosmikus,generics-sop 的合著者和 records-sop 的作者,在回答这个问题时实现了这一点!