

我已开始使用 Python 中的 enumerate() 函数,并希望改进我在 this Stackoverflow post 中首次讨论的关键字上下文脚本。


然而,发生的情况是,我得到了一个我的 Jupyter Notebook 无法处理的所谓无休止的结果列表。我什至尝试在枚举 break 大于分析的文本文件中的单词数时立即用 i 强制停止。不幸的是,这也不起作用。

我想我还没有完全掌握 enumerate() 函数背后的逻辑,希望得到您的建议。


# Find keywords and "n" subsequent words in txt file
# credits to @jasonharper and @xander for prevIoUs updates
# cf. forum discussion on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66972612/how-to-match-value-in-enumeration-to-a-keyword

import string

# function to find keywords in context
def wordsafter(keyword,source):
        wordcount=len(source) # sample text has 5953 words in total
        for i in range(0,wordcount):
            if i < wordcount:
                print(i) # prints correct range from 0 to 5952
                for i,val in enumerate(source):
                    if val == keyword:
                        res_str=(' '.join(source[i:i + 10]))  # show searchterm and subsequent n words
            if i > wordcount:
                break # how can I force function to check each word only once?
        return(res_strings) # returns endless (?) list of results?
# open input txt file from local path
with open('C:\\somefile.txt','r',encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as f:  # open file
    data1 = f.read()  # read content of file as string
    data2 = data1.translate(str.maketrans('','',string.punctuation)).lower()  # remove punctuation
    data3 = " ".join(data2.split())  # remove additional whitespace from text
    indata = list(data3.split())  # convert string to list

# define searchterms and call function    
searchterms = ["proclamation"] 
for keyword in searchterms:
    result = wordsafter(keyword,indata)
    if result:
        print(result[600000]) # prints a valid string although whole file only has 5953 items
        with open('C:\\Users\\anotherfile.txt','w',encoding="utf-8-sig") as file:
            file.write(str(result)) # output file is so large it crashes when opened



# Find keywords and five subsequent words
# Updated script with credits to @jasonharper and @xander
# cf. forum discussion on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66972612/how-to-match-value-in-enumeration-to-a-keyword

import string

# function to find keywords in context
def wordsafter(keyword,source):
        wordcount=len(source) # shows number of words in sample text
        for i,val in enumerate(source):
            if val == keyword:
                res_str=(' '.join(source[i:i + 10]))  # shows searchterm and subsequent "n" words
        return(res_strings) # returns list of results
# open input txt file from local path
with open('C:\\Users\\input.txt','r',encoding='utf-8',errors='ignore') as f:  # open file
    data1 = f.read()  # read content of file as string
    data2 = data1.translate(str.maketrans('','',string.punctuation)).lower()  # remove punctuation
    data3 = " ".join(data2.split())  # remove additional whitespace from text
    indata = list(data3.split())  # convert string to list

# define searchterms and call function    
searchterms = ["proclamation","king"] 
for keyword in searchterms:
    result = wordsafter(keyword,indata)
    if result:
        with open('C:\\Users\\output.txt','w',encoding="utf-8-sig") as file:
            file.write(str(result)) # write output to file