付款完成后,在 PayU WordPress 插件上,订单状态仍然显示待付款


我正在尝试将 payU 支付网关添加到我的 WooCommerce 网站,但官方插件不起作用,所以我尝试自己制作,但在付款完成订单后,其状态仍显示为“待付款”。

但是,我正在通过我的 PayU 帐户收到付款。

define('payupaisa_imgdir',WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/" . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/images/');

function woocommerce_payupaisa_init(){
    if(!class_exists('WC_Payment_Gateway')) return;

    if( isset($_GET['msg']) && !empty($_GET['msg']) ){
    function payupaisa_showMessage($content){
            return '<div class="'.htmlentities($_GET['type']).'">'.htmlentities(urldecode($_GET['msg'])).'</div>'.$content;

     * Gateway class
    class WC_payupaisa extends WC_Payment_Gateway{
        public function __construct(){
            $this->id                   = 'payupaisa';
            $this->method_title         = 'PayU Paisa';
            $this->method_description   = "Redefining Payments,Simplifying Lives";
            $this->has_fields           = false;
            if ( $this->settings['showlogo'] == "yes" ) {
                $this->icon             = payupaisa_imgdir . 'logo.png';
            $this->title            = $this->settings['title'];
            $this->redirect_page_id = $this->settings['redirect_page_id'];
            $this -> enable_currency_conversion      = $this -> settings['enable_currency_conversion'];
            if ( $this->settings['testmode'] == "yes" ) {
                $this->liveurl          = 'https://test.payu.in/_payment';
                $this->merchant_id      = "gtKFFx";
                $this->salt             = "eCwWELxi";
                $this->description      = $this->settings['description'].
                                        "<br/><br/><u>Test Mode is <strong>ACTIVE</strong>,use following Credit Card details:-</u><br/>".
                                        "Test Card Name: <strong><em style='#999999;'>any name</em></strong><br/>".
                                        "Test Card Number: <strong>5123456789012346</strong><br/>".
                                        "Test Card CVV: <strong>123</strong><br/>".
                                        "Test Card Expiry: <strong>01/2020</strong><br/>";
            } else {
                $this->liveurl          = 'https://secure.payu.in/_payment';
                $this->merchant_id      = $this->settings['merchant_id'];
                $this->salt             = $this->settings['salt'];
                $this->description      = $this->settings['description'];
            $this->msg['message']   = "";
            $this->msg['class']     = "";
            //update for woocommerce >2.0
            add_action( 'woocommerce_api_' . strtolower( get_class( $this ) ),array( $this,'check_payupaisa_response' ) );
            if ( version_compare( WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION,'2.0.0','>=' ) ) {
                /* 2.0.0 */
                add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id,array( &$this,'process_admin_options' ) );
            } else {
                /* 1.6.6 */
                add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways','process_admin_options' ) );
        function init_form_fields(){
            $this->form_fields = array(
                'enabled' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Enable/disable','nilesh'),'type'          => 'checkBox','label'         => __('Enable PayU Paisa Payment Module.','default'       => 'no','description'   => 'Show in the Payment List as a payment option'
                ),'title' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Title:','type'          => 'text','default'       => __('Online Payment','description'   => __('This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.','desc_tip'      => true
                ),'description' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Description:','type'          => 'textarea','default'       => __('Pay securely by Credit or Debit Card or Internet Banking through PayU Secure Servers.','description'   => __('This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.','merchant_id' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Merchant KEY','description'   => __('Given to Merchant by PayU Money'),'salt' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Merchant SALT','description'   =>  __('Given to Merchant by PayU Money','showlogo' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Show logo','label'         => __('Show the "PayU Paisa" logo in the Payment Method section for the user','default'       => 'yes','description'   => __('Tick to show "PayU Paisa" logo'),'enable_currency_conversion' => array(
                    'title' => __('Currency Conversion to INR?','type' => 'checkBox','label' => __('Enable Currency Conversion to INR.','default' => 'no','description'=> __('converted to equivalent amount in INR for faster payment processing'),'testmode' => array(
                    'title'         => __('TEST Mode','label'         => __('Enable PayU Paisa TEST Transactions.','description'   => __('Tick to run TEST Transaction on the PayU Paisa platform'),'redirect_page_id' => array(
                    'title'         => __('Return Page'),'type'          => 'select','options'       => $this->payupaisa_get_pages('Select Page'),'description'   => __('URL of success page','desc_tip'      => true
         * Admin Panel Options
         * - Options for bits like 'title' and availability on a country-by-country basis
        public function admin_options(){
            echo '<h3>'.__('PayU Paisa','nilesh').'</h3>';
            echo '<p>'.__('Redefining Payments,Simplifying Lives! Empowering any business to collect money online within minutes').'</p>';
            echo '<table class="form-table">';
            // Generate the HTML For the settings form.
            echo '</table>';
         *  There are no payment fields for techpro,but we want to show the description if set.
        function payment_fields(){
            if($this->description) echo wpautop(wptexturize($this->description));
        * Receipt Page
        function receipt_page($order){
            echo '<p>'.__('Thank you for your order,please click the button below to pay with PayU.','nilesh').'</p>';
            echo $this->generate_payupaisa_form($order);
        /*currency convertor API*/
        function currency_convert($currency_from,$currency_to,$currency_input)
            if ($currency_from != $currency_to)
                $yql_base_url = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql";
                $yql_query = 'select * from yahoo.finance.xchange where pair in ("'.$currency_from.$currency_to.'")';
                $yql_query_url = $yql_base_url . "?q=" . urlencode($yql_query);
                $yql_query_url .= "&format=json&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys";
                $yql_session = curl_init($yql_query_url);
                $yqlexec = curl_exec($yql_session);
                $yql_json =  json_decode($yqlexec,true);
                $currency_output = (float) $currency_input*$yql_json['query']['results']['rate']['Rate'];
                return $currency_output;
                return $currency_input;
        * Generate payu button link
        function generate_payupaisa_form($order_id){
            global $woocommerce;
            $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
            $myTxnId = substr(str_shuffle(md5('abcdefghijklmnop9876543210')),8);
            if ( $this->redirect_page_id == "" || $this->redirect_page_id == 0 ) {
                $redirect_url = $order->get_checkout_order_received_url();
            } else {
                $redirect_url = get_permalink($this->redirect_page_id);

            //For wooCoomerce 2.0
            if ( version_compare( WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION,'>=' ) ) {
                $redirect_url = add_query_arg( 'wc-api',get_class( $this ),$redirect_url );

            $productinfo = "Order $order_id";
            /*check if currency converstion is enable*/
            $the_order_total = $order->order_total;
                $the_order_total = $this->currency_convert($the_currency,'INR',$the_order_total);
                $the_display_msg = "<small> $the_currency has been converted to equivalent amount in INR for faster payment processing.</small><br />";
            $str = $this->merchant_id."|".$myTxnId."|".$the_order_total."|".$productinfo."|".$order->billing_first_name."|".$order->billing_email."|||||||||||".$this->salt;

            $hash = hash('sha512',$str);

            $payupaisa_args = array(
                'key'           => $this->merchant_id,'hash'          => $hash,'txnid'         => $myTxnId,'amount'        => $the_order_total,'debug'         =>  1,'firstname'     => $order->billing_first_name,'email'         => $order->billing_email,'phone'         => $order->billing_phone,'productinfo'   => $productinfo,'surl'          => $redirect_url,'furl'          => $redirect_url,'lastname'      => $order->billing_last_name,'address1'      => $order->billing_address_1,'address2'      => $order->billing_address_2,'city'          => $order->billing_city,'state'         => $order->billing_state,'country'       => $order->billing_country,'zipcode'       => $order->billing_postcode,'curl'          => $redirect_url,'pg'            => 'NB'
            $payupaisa_args_array = array();
            foreach($payupaisa_args as $key => $value){
                $payupaisa_args_array[] = "<input type='hidden' name='$key' value='$value'/>";
            return '    <form action="'.$this->liveurl.'" method="post" id="payupaisa_payment_form">
                ' . implode('',$payupaisa_args_array) . '
                <input type="submit" class="button-alt" id="submit_payupaisa_payment_form" value="'.__('Pay via PayU Paisa','nilesh').'" /> <a class="button cancel" href="'.$order->get_cancel_order_url().'">'.__('Cancel order &amp; restore cart','nilesh').'</a>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        message: "'.__('Thank you for your order. We are Now redirecting you to Payment Gateway to make payment.','nilesh').'",overlayCSS: {
                            background      : "#fff",opacity         : 0.6
                        },css: {
                            padding         : 20,textAlign       : "center",color           : "#555",border          : "3px solid #aaa",backgroundColor : "#fff",cursor          : "wait",lineHeight      : "32px"
        * Process the payment and return the result
        function process_payment($order_id){
            global $woocommerce;
            $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
            if ( version_compare( WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION,'2.1.0','>=' ) ) {
                /* 2.1.0 */
                $checkout_payment_url = $order->get_checkout_payment_url( true );
            } else {
                /* 2.0.0 */
                $checkout_payment_url = get_permalink( get_option ( 'woocommerce_pay_page_id' ) );

            return array(
                'result' => 'success','redirect' => add_query_arg(
        * Check for valid payu server callback
        function check_payupaisa_response(){
            global $woocommerce;
            if( isset($_REQUEST['txnid']) && isset($_REQUEST['mihpayid']) ){
                $order_id = $_REQUEST['udf1'];
                if($order_id != ''){
                        $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
                        $hash = $_REQUEST['hash'];
                        $status = $_REQUEST['status'];
                        $checkhash = hash('sha512',"$this->salt|||||||||||$_REQUEST[email]|$_REQUEST[firstname]|$_REQUEST[productinfo]|$_REQUEST[amount]|$_REQUEST[txnid]|$this->merchant_id");
                        $transauthorised = false;

                        if( $order->status !=='completed' ){
                            if($hash == $checkhash){
                                $status = strtolower($status);
                                    $transauthorised = true;
                                    $this->msg['message'] = "Thank you for shopping with us. Your account has been charged and your transaction is successful.";
                                    $this->msg['class'] = 'woocommerce-message';
                                    if($order->status == 'processing'){
                                        $order->add_order_note('PayU Paisa ID: '.$_REQUEST['mihpayid'].' ('.$_REQUEST['txnid'].')<br/>PG: '.$_REQUEST['PG_TYPE'].'<br/>Bank Ref: '.$_REQUEST['bank_ref_num']);
                                        $order->add_order_note('PayU Paisa payment successful.<br/>PayU Paisa ID: '.$_REQUEST['mihpayid'].' ('.$_REQUEST['txnid'].')<br/>PG: '.$_REQUEST['PG_TYPE'].'<br/>Bank Ref: '.$_REQUEST['bank_ref_num']);
                                        $woocommerce -> cart -> empty_cart();

                                }else if($status=="pending"){
                                    $this->msg['message'] = "Thank you for shopping with us. Right Now your payment status is pending. We will keep you posted regarding the status of your order through eMail";
                                    $this->msg['class'] = 'woocommerce-info';
                                    $order->add_order_note('PayU Paisa payment status is pending<br/>PayU Paisa ID: '.$_REQUEST['mihpayid'].' ('.$_REQUEST['txnid'].')<br/>PG: '.$_REQUEST['PG_TYPE'].'<br/>Bank Ref: '.$_REQUEST['bank_ref_num']);
                                    $woocommerce -> cart -> empty_cart();
                                    $this->msg['class'] = 'woocommerce-error';
                                    $this->msg['message'] = "Thank you for shopping with us. However,the transaction has been declined.";
                                    $order->add_order_note('Transaction ERROR: '.$_REQUEST['error'].'<br/>PayU Paisa ID: '.$_REQUEST['mihpayid'].' ('.$_REQUEST['txnid'].')');
                                $this->msg['class'] = 'error';
                                $this->msg['message'] = "Security Error. Illegal access detected.";
                    }catch(Exception $e){
                        $msg = "Error";

                $redirect_url = ($this->redirect_page_id=="" || $this->redirect_page_id==0)?get_site_url() . "/":get_permalink($this->redirect_page_id);
                //For wooCoomerce 2.0
                $redirect_url = add_query_arg( array('msg'=> urlencode($this->msg['message']),'type'=>$this->msg['class']),$redirect_url );

                wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
        // get all pages
        function payupaisa_get_pages($title = false,$indent = true) {
            $wp_pages = get_pages('sort_column=menu_order');
            $page_list = array();
            if ($title) $page_list[] = $title;
            foreach ($wp_pages as $page) {
                $prefix = '';
                // show indented child pages?
                if ($indent) {
                    $has_parent = $page->post_parent;
                    while($has_parent) {
                        $prefix .=  ' - ';
                        $next_page = get_post($has_parent);
                        $has_parent = $next_page->post_parent;
                // add to page list array array
                $page_list[$page->ID] = $prefix . $page->post_title;
            return $page_list;

        * Add the Gateway to WooCommerce
        function woocommerce_add_payupaisa_gateway($methods) {
            $methods[] = 'WC_payupaisa';
            return $methods;
        add_filter('woocommerce_payment_gateways','woocommerce_add_payupaisa_gateway' );


您是否在插件和 PayU 面板中启用了自动接收?

enter image description here

您的服务器过滤 IP 地址还是使用 CloudFlare 之类的工具? 如果您过滤 IP 地址,请记住允许 PayU 使用的 IP 发送通知。它们是:

