线段和平面之间最近的两个 3D 点由三个点定义和限制3D 三角形多边形已解决


假设 A1&A2 是构成线段的两个 3D 点。

T1,T2,T3三个 3D 点,它们在 3D 空间中构成三角形多边形。

P1 为线段上的一个点,设 P2 为三角形多边形上的一个

P1P2 彼此最接近

现在,我该如何计算 P1P2 我应该使用哪种方法

问题现已解决 Here 答案是




shortest_connection_segment_to_segment(const Vector3D A,const Vector3D B,const Vector3D C,const Vector3D D)
Vector3D u = B - A;
Vector3D v = D - C;
Vector3D w = A - C;

double    a = u*u;         // always >= 0
double    b = u*v;
double    c = v*v;         // always >= 0
double    d = u*w;
double    e = v*w;
double    sc,sN,sD = a*c - b*b;  // sc = sN / sD,sD >= 0
double    tc,tN,tD = a*c - b*b;  // tc = tN / tD,tD >= 0
double    tol = 1e-15;
// compute the line parameters of the two closest points
if (sD < tol) {            // the lines are almost parallel
    sN = 0.0;              // force using point A on segment AB
    sD = 1.0;              // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
    tN = e;
    tD = c;
else {                     // get the closest points on the infinite lines
    sN = (b*e - c*d);
    tN = (a*e - b*d);
    if (sN < 0.0) {        // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
        sN = 0.0;          // compute shortest connection of A to segment CD
        tN = e;
        tD = c;
    else if (sN > sD) {    // sc > 1  => the s=1 edge is visible
        sN = sD;           // compute shortest connection of B to segment CD
        tN = e + b;
        tD = c;

if (tN < 0.0) {            // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
    tN = 0.0;             
    // recompute sc for this edge
    if (-d < 0.0)          // compute shortest connection of C to segment AB
        sN = 0.0;
    else if (-d > a)
        sN = sD;
    else {
        sN = -d;
        sD = a;
else if (tN > tD) {      // tc > 1  => the t=1 edge is visible
    tN = tD;
    // recompute sc for this edge
    if ((-d + b) < 0.0)  // compute shortest connection of D to segment AB
        sN = 0;
    else if ((-d + b) > a)
        sN = sD;
    else {
        sN = (-d +  b);
        sD = a;
// finally do the division to get sc and tc
sc = (fabs(sN) < tol ? 0.0 : sN / sD);
tc = (fabs(tN) < tol ? 0.0 : tN / tD);

Vector3D P1 = A + (sc * u);
Vector3D P2 = C + (tc * v);  

return {P1,P2};   // return the closest distance





直线上的点 P 由下式给出

P = P1 + l*(P2-P1) where 0<=l<=1

三角形中的点 T 由下式给出

T = T1 + s*(T2-T1) + t*(T3-T1) 
where 0<=s<=1 and 0<=t<=1 and s+t<=1


d2 = ||P(l) - T(s,t)||^2


d2 = ||A*x - b ||^2 where
x = (l,s,t)'
A = (P2-P1  T1-T2  T1-T3)
b = T1-P1
and the constraints,as above,are
0<=l and l<=1
0<=s and s<=1
0<=t and t<=1
s+t <= 1

此函数在下面获取三角形(由 3 个点定义)和线段(由 2 个点定义)之间最近的 2 个 3D 点(线段)。这些数学函数基于 @StefanKssmr 's Answer@Spektre 's line closest(line l0,triangle t0)。这是带有示例的完整代码 Online Compiler。 这是示例的 Visual Representation

void ClosestPointBetweenTriangleAndLineSegment(Vector3D LineStart,Vector3D LineEnd,Vector3D Triangle0,Vector3D Triangle1,Vector3D Triangle2,Vector3D& ClosestPointOnLine,Vector3D& ClosestPointOnTriangle)
    ClosestPointOnLine = LineStart;//For FirstPart Calculation Only
    Vector3D Return1 = LineEnd;//For FirstPart Calculation Only
    Vector3D Return2;


    if (Magnitude(VectorMinus(Return1,Return2)) < Magnitude(VectorMinus(ClosestPointOnLine,ClosestPointOnTriangle)))
        ClosestPointOnLine = Return1;
        ClosestPointOnTriangle = Return2;

    if (FastNoCheckIsPointWithinTraingle(ClosestPointOnTriangle,Triangle2))
        NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegment(LineStart,LineEnd,ClosestPointOnLine,ClosestPointOnTriangle);// Only For First
        if (Magnitude(VectorMinus(Return1,ClosestPointOnTriangle)))
            ClosestPointOnLine = Return1;
            ClosestPointOnTriangle = Return2;
            ClosestPointOnLine = Return1;
            ClosestPointOnTriangle = Return2;


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

struct Vector3D
    float x = 0;
    float y = 0;
    float z = 0;

struct Vector4D
    float x = 0;
    float y = 0;
    float z = 0;
    float d = 0;

Vector3D VectorAdd(Vector3D V1,Vector3D V2)
    return { V1.x + V2.x,V1.y + V2.y,V1.z + V2.z };

Vector3D VectorMinus(Vector3D V1,Vector3D V2)
    return { V1.x - V2.x,V1.y - V2.y,V1.z - V2.z };
Vector3D VectorMultiply(Vector3D V1,float Multiplier)
    return { (V1.x * Multiplier),(V1.y * Multiplier),(V1.z * Multiplier) };

Vector3D VectorMultiplyVector(Vector3D V1,Vector3D V2)
    return { (V1.x * V2.x),(V1.y * V2.y),(V1.z * V2.z) };

Vector3D VectorDivide(Vector3D V1,float Divider)
    return{ (V1.x / Divider),(V1.y / Divider),(V1.z / Divider) };

float DotProduct(Vector3D V1,Vector3D V2)
    return (float)(V1.x * V2.x) + (V1.y * V2.y) + (V1.z * V2.z);

Vector3D CrossProduct(Vector3D V1,Vector3D V2)
    return { (V1.y * V2.z) - (V1.z * V2.y),(V1.z * V2.x) - (V1.x * V2.z),(V1.x * V2.y) - (V1.y * V2.x) };

Vector3D VectorPower(Vector3D V1,float Power)
    return { pow(V1.x,Power),pow(V1.y,pow(V1.z,Power) };

float VectorTotal(Vector3D V1)
    return DotProduct(V1,{ 1,1,1 });

float Magnitude(Vector3D Vector)
    float CalculationFloat = (float)(sqrt(pow(Vector.x,2.0) + pow(Vector.y,2.0) + pow(Vector.z,2.0)));
    if (std::isnan(CalculationFloat) || std::isinf(CalculationFloat))
        return 0;
    return CalculationFloat;

float AreaOfTriangle3D(Vector3D VA,Vector3D VB,Vector3D VC)
    return Magnitude(CrossProduct(VectorMinus(VB,VA),VectorMinus(VC,VA))) / 2;

void NearestPointBetweenTwoLineSegment(Vector3D AB1,Vector3D AB2,Vector3D CD1,Vector3D CD2,Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint1,Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint2)
    Vector3D u = VectorMinus(AB2,AB1);
    Vector3D v = VectorMinus(CD2,CD1);
    Vector3D w = VectorMinus(AB1,CD1);

    double    a = DotProduct(u,u);         // always >= 0
    double    b = DotProduct(u,v);
    double    c = DotProduct(v,v);         // always >= 0
    double    d = DotProduct(u,w);
    double    e = DotProduct(v,w);
    double    sN,sD = (a * c) - (b * b);  // sc = sN / sD,default sD = D >= 0
    double    tN,tD = (a * c) - (b * b);  // tc = tN / tD,default tD = D >= 0

    float Temp1;
    float Temp2;
    float Temp3;// Unfortuantely i have no choice but to use this...

    //Part 1
    Temp1 = (sD < 1e-6f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
    sN = (1.0f - Temp1) * (b * e - c * d);
    sD = ((1.0f - Temp1) * sD) + Temp1;
    tN = (Temp1 * e) + ((1.0f - Temp1) * ((a * e) - (b * d)));
    tD = (Temp1 * c) + ((1.0f - Temp1) * tD);

    Temp2 = (sN < 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
    Temp2 = Temp2 * (1.0f - Temp1);
    sN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN);
    tN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tN) + (Temp2 * e);
    tD = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tD) + (Temp2 * c);

    Temp2 = ((sN > sD) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp2);
    Temp2 = Temp2 * (1.0f - Temp1);
    sN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN) + (Temp2 * sD);
    tN = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tN) + (Temp2 * (e + b));
    tD = ((1.0f - Temp2) * tD) + (Temp2 * c);

    //Part 2.1
    Temp1 = (tN < 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
    tN = tN * (1.0f - Temp1);

    Temp2 = (((-d) < 0.0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * Temp1;
    sN = (1.0f - Temp2) * sN;//sN = (Temp2 * 0) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN);    
    Temp3 = ((((-d) > a) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp2)) * (Temp1);
    sN = (Temp3 * sD) + ((1.0f - Temp3) * (sN));

    Temp2 = (1.0f - Temp3) * (1.0f - Temp2) * (Temp1);
    sN = (Temp2 * (-d)) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sN));
    sD = (Temp2 * a) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sD));

    //Part 2.2
    Temp1 = ((tN > tD) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp1);
    tN = ((1.0f - Temp1) * tN) + (Temp1 * tD);

    Temp2 = (((-d + b) < 0.0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * Temp1;
    sN = (1.0f - Temp2) * sN;//sN = (Temp2 * 0) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * sN);    
    Temp3 = ((((-d + b) > a) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * (1.0f - Temp2)) * (Temp1);
    sN = (Temp3 * sD) + ((1.0f - Temp3) * (sN));

    Temp2 = (1.0f - Temp3) * (1.0f - Temp2) * (Temp1);
    sN = (Temp2 * (-d)) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sN));
    sD = (Temp2 * a) + ((1.0f - Temp2) * (sD));

    resultSegmentPoint1 = VectorAdd(AB1,VectorMultiply(u,(fabs(sN) < 1e-6f ? 0.0 : sN / sD)));
    resultSegmentPoint2 = VectorAdd(CD1,VectorMultiply(v,(fabs(tN) < 1e-6f ? 0.0 : tN / tD)));

bool FastNoCheckIsPointWithinTraingle(Vector3D Point,Vector3D Triangle2)
    return fabsf((AreaOfTriangle3D(Point,Triangle2) + AreaOfTriangle3D(Triangle0,Point,Point)) - AreaOfTriangle3D(Triangle0,Triangle2)) < 1.0f;

Vector4D equation_plane(float x1,float y1,float z1,float x2,float y2,float z2,float x3,float y3,float z3)
    float a1 = x2 - x1;
    float b1 = y2 - y1;
    float c1 = z2 - z1;
    float a2 = x3 - x1;
    float b2 = y3 - y1;
    float c2 = z3 - z1;
    float a = b1 * c2 - b2 * c1;
    float b = a2 * c1 - a1 * c2;
    float c = a1 * b2 - b1 * a2;
    float d = (-a * x1 - b * y1 - c * z1);
    //std::cout << std::fixed;
    //std::cout << std::setprecision(2);
    std::cout << "\nequation of plane is " << a << " x + " << b << " y + " << c << " z + ";
    std::cout << " = 0.";
    return { a,b,c,d };

void NearestPointBetweenPointAndPlane(Vector3D Point,Vector3D& resultSegmentPoint)
    //Note: Plane equation is x + y + z + d = 0 format// 
    Vector4D Plane = equation_plane(Triangle0.x,Triangle0.y,Triangle0.z,Triangle1.x,Triangle1.y,Triangle1.z,Triangle2.x,Triangle2.y,Triangle2.z);
    Vector3D PlanePartial;
    PlanePartial.x = Plane.x;
    PlanePartial.y = Plane.y;
    PlanePartial.z = Plane.z;
    resultSegmentPoint = VectorAdd(Point,VectorMultiply(PlanePartial,-((VectorTotal(VectorMultiplyVector(Point,PlanePartial)) + Plane.d) / VectorTotal(VectorPower(PlanePartial,2)))));


int Clamp(double Number,double Min,double Max)
    if (Number > Max)
        return Max;
    if (Number < Min)
        return Min;
    return Number;

void PrintVector3Dfor(Vector3D Point,std::string Name,bool InvertXY)
    int SpaceBar = 50;
    SpaceBar = Clamp(SpaceBar - Name.length(),50);
    std::cout << "\n" << Name << " =";
    for (int i = 0; i < SpaceBar; ++i)
        std::cout << " ";
    std::cout << "(";
    if (InvertXY)

    printf(",%f )",Point.z);

void Printfloatfor(float val,std::string Name)
    int SpaceBar = 50;
    SpaceBar = Clamp(SpaceBar - Name.length(),50);
    std::cout << "\n" << Name << " =";
    for (int i = 0; i < SpaceBar; ++i)
        std::cout << " ";
    printf(" %f",val);