ObjC 根据模数、指数和加密字符串生成公钥


我正在 ObjC 中编写代码库,用于创建 API 调用,该调用需要一些加密参数,而几乎不了解密码学: 1) 一个加密的字符串,参数 1 2)加密的IV 3)加密密钥 4)和其他一些参数


我被告知使用指数和模数生成公钥,然后使用生成的公钥加密参数 1(如上所述)。

另一端 (Android) 使用 KeyFactory 生成公钥,并具有创建 IV 和执行其他操作的方法

我使用了这里提到的方法RSA public key generation -- Swift,它为我提供了一个数据格式的公钥,稍后我将其转换为字符串。然后我使用 https://github.com/ideawu/Objective-C-RSA 中的这个代码(RSA.h 和 RSA.m)来加密我的字符串。但是加密确实失败了,在第 51 行,在 RSA.m (stripPublicKeyHeader:) 中。


这是我在 ViewController.m 中的代码

    @implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

    Nsstring *modulusstring = @"t....w==";
    Nsstring *exponentString = @"A..B";

    NSData *modulusData = [modulusstring dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSData *exponentData = [exponentString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    NSData *pubKey = [ViewController generateRSAPublicKeyWithModulus:modulusData exponent:exponentData];
    Nsstring *pubKeyString = [pubKey base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSUTF32StringEncoding];

    Nsstring *encryptedString = [RSA encryptString:@"stringToEncrypt" publicKey:pubKeyString];

   + (NSData *)generateRSAPublicKeyWithModulus:(NSData*)modulus exponent:(NSData*)exponent
    const uint8_t DEFAULT_EXPONENT[] = {0x01,0x00,0x01,}; //default: 65537
    const uint8_t UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BYTE = 0x81;
    const uint8_t UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BYTE2 = 0x82;
    const uint8_t UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BIGNUM = 0x00;
    const uint8_t SEQUENCE_TAG = 0x30;
    const uint8_t INTEGER_TAG = 0x02;

    uint8_t* modulusBytes = (uint8_t*)[modulus bytes];
    uint8_t* exponentBytes = (uint8_t*)(exponent == nil ? DEFAULT_EXPONENT : [exponent bytes]);

    //(1) calculate lengths
    //- length of modulus
    int lenMod = (int)[modulus length];
    if(modulusBytes[0] >= 0x80)
        lenMod ++;  //place for UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BIGNUM
    int lenModHeader = 2 + (lenMod >= 0x80 ? 1 : 0) + (lenMod >= 0x0100 ? 1 : 0);
    //- length of exponent
    int lenExp = exponent == nil ? sizeof(DEFAULT_EXPONENT) : (int)[exponent length];
    int lenExpHeader = 2;
    //- length of body
    int lenBody = lenModHeader + lenMod + lenExpHeader + lenExp;
    //- length of total
    int lenTotal = 2 + (lenBody >= 0x80 ? 1 : 0) + (lenBody >= 0x0100 ? 1 : 0) + lenBody;

    int index = 0;
    uint8_t* byteBuffer = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * lenTotal);
    memset(byteBuffer,sizeof(uint8_t) * lenTotal);

    //(2) fill up byte buffer
    //- sequence tag
    byteBuffer[index ++] = SEQUENCE_TAG;
    //- total length
    if(lenBody >= 0x80)
        byteBuffer[index ++] = (lenBody >= 0x0100 ? UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BYTE2 : UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BYTE);
    if(lenBody >= 0x0100)
        byteBuffer[index ++] = (uint8_t)(lenBody / 0x0100);
        byteBuffer[index ++] = lenBody % 0x0100;
        byteBuffer[index ++] = lenBody;
    //- integer tag
    byteBuffer[index ++] = INTEGER_TAG;
    //- modulus length
    if(lenMod >= 0x80)
        byteBuffer[index ++] = (lenMod >= 0x0100 ? UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BYTE2 : UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BYTE);
    if(lenMod >= 0x0100)
        byteBuffer[index ++] = (int)(lenMod / 0x0100);
        byteBuffer[index ++] = lenMod % 0x0100;
        byteBuffer[index ++] = lenMod;
    //- modulus value
    if(modulusBytes[0] >= 0x80)
        byteBuffer[index ++] = UNSIGNED_FLAG_FOR_BIGNUM;
    memcpy(byteBuffer + index,modulusBytes,sizeof(uint8_t) * [modulus length]);
    index += [modulus length];
    //- exponent length
    byteBuffer[index ++] = INTEGER_TAG;
    byteBuffer[index ++] = lenExp;
    //- exponent value
    memcpy(byteBuffer + index,exponentBytes,sizeof(uint8_t) * lenExp);
    index += lenExp;

    if(index != lenTotal)
        NSLog(@"lengths mismatch: index = %d,lenTotal = %d",index,lenTotal);

    NSMutableData* buffer = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:byteBuffer length:lenTotal];

    return buffer;






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