模块方法 postProcess() 不会重定向到管理页面


当我从页面单击 helperForm 的保存按钮时,postProcess 被很好地触发,但用户没有返回到我的模块管理页面,而是停留在编辑页面

public function postProcess()
    if (Tools::isSubmit('submitTest')) {
        //Entries here works well when the helperform is send

        return; //The admin user stays on edit page instead of going back to my module config page

    return false;

public function getContent()
    if(Tools::isSubmit('updatemyModule') || Tools::isSubmit('submitTest')) {
        return $this->postProcess().$this->renderForm();
    else {
        return $this->listform();


由于令牌由主类检查,我只是在 postProcess 函数的末尾调用了 listform 方法

public function postProcess()
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitTest')) {
    //Entries here works well when the helperform is send

    return $this->listform(); //reset the context states so it goes back to mymodule config page

return false;