在 Windows 上从 Python 运行 C 程序


我试图按照 this tutorial 在 python 中执行 C 程序。该教程提到它仅适用于 linux。让它在 Windows 10 上运行的正确方法是什么?

# Python 3 program to demonstrate subprocess 
# module
import subprocess
import os
def excuteC():
    # store the return code of the c program(return 0)
    # and display the output
    s = subprocess.check_call("gcc HelloWorld.c -o out1;./out1",shell = True)
    print(",return code",s)

int main()
    printf("Hello World from C");
    // returning with any other non zero value
    // would result in an exception
    // when called from python
    return 0;




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