从汇编函数调用返回到 C 程序时如何处理堆栈指针寄存器?


我的程序由两个文件组成:main.c和core.s,运行在lubuntu linux的32位虚拟机上。

Main.c 接受一个整数并将其传递给汇编函数 void printFunc(int x)。汇编函数依次调用 C 函数来检查 x 的奇偶校验。如果 x 是偶数,函数将打印 4x,如果 x 是奇数,它将打印 8x。打印调用必须在汇编函数内完成。

section .text
    global printFunc
    extern c_checkValidity
    extern printf

section .data       ; data section

fmt: db "%d",10,0 ; The printf format,"\n",'0'
    push ebp                ; code for handling stack I've seen from
    mov ebp,esp            ; other examples online
    mov ebx,eax            ; copy and input value
    push eax                ; Move input onto stack
    call c_checkValidity    ; Call C function,return value is in eax   
    cmp eax,1              ; Check result,1 indicates even
    je multby4              ; If even,do mult by 4
    jmp multby8             ; Otherwise odd,do mult by 8

multby4:                    ;INPUT WAS EVEN
    sal ebx,2              ; left shift by 2 is equivalent to multiplying by 4 
    jmp exitcode            ; print and exit code

multby8:                    ;INPUT WAS ODD
    sal ebx,3              ; left shift by 3 is equivalent to multiplying by 8
    jmp exitcode            ; print and exit code
    mov eax,ebx             ; move value to eax to keep as default return value of func
    push ebx                ; Push final answer to the stack
    push dword fmt          ; Push print format to the stack
    call printf             ; Print answer
    mov eax,ebx            ; copy final answer as return value
    mov esp,ebp            ; return stack pointer to what it was before operation
    pop ebp                 ; get rid of saved pointer
    ret                     ; return state to caller

整数输入被接收,奇偶校验测试,并正确打印到标准输出call printf 成功执行后,某处发生段错误。当我使用 gdb 尝试回溯段错误时,报告显示“exitcode () 中的 0x0804a0f”。想必这就是导致segfault的运行时代码的地址?





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