将 py2neo 3.1.2 更新到 py2neo 4.0.0 时出现 ModuleNotFoundError


在我们的应用程序中,我们通过 py2neo 模块版本 3.1.2 连接到 Neo4j 数据库。现在我们想将其更新到 4.0.0 版本。我们已经浏览了以下链接并了解需要进行哪些查询级别更改。


但是,py2neo 4.0.0 版本中没有几个模块。请帮助我们了解是否有可用的等效模块。

from py2neo.database.status import ConstraintError
from py2neo.packages.neo4j.v1.exceptions import ProtocolError
from py2neo.packages.httpstream import http


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'py2neo.database.status'; 'py2neo.database' is not a package
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>",line 1,in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'py2neo.packages'


py2neo 的新版本 4 不需要 http 而是使用 bolt。我用 py2neo 中的工作版本替换了所有丢失的模块。看我下面的例子;

#from py2neo.database.status import ConstraintError
from py2neo  import ClientError,GraphError
#from py2neo.packages.neo4j.v1.exceptions import ProtocolError
from py2neo  import DatabaseError,TransientError,TransactionError
#from py2neo.packages.httpstream import http  <-- http is replaced by bolt connection
from py2neo import Graph

print("py2neo version: ",py2neo.__version__)
graph = Graph("bolt://localhost:7687",auth=("neo4j","****"))
query = """<Invalid> RETURN $x as number,$x*$x as squared; """
    cursor = graph.run(query,x=12)
    for record in cursor:
        print('The square of',record["number"],'is',record["squared"])
except (ClientError,GraphError) as ex:
    print('Client Graph error: \n',ex)
except (DatabaseError,TransactionError) as ex:
    print('DatabaseError error: \n',ex)
#references: https://py2neo.org/v4/index.html

 py2neo version:  4.2.0
 The square of 12 is 144