如何将两个双 (m128d) 转换/合并为一个 (m128)?



struct CICDecimator {
    static constexpr int64_t scale = ((int64_t)1) << 32;
    int mStages;
    int mFactor;
    float mGainCorrection;
    int64_t *pIntegrators;
    int64_t *pCombs;

    CICDecimator(int stages = 4,int factor = 8) {
        assert(stages > 0);
        assert(factor > 0);

        mStages = stages;
        pIntegrators = new int64_t[mStages + 1]{};
        pCombs = new int64_t[mStages]{};

        if (mFactor != factor) {
            mFactor = factor;
            mGainCorrection = 1.0f / (float)(pow(mFactor,mStages));
    ~CICDecimator() {
        delete[] pIntegrators;
        delete[] pCombs;

    float process(const float *buffer) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mFactor; i++) {
            pIntegrators[0] = buffer[i] * scale;

            for (int j = 1; j <= mStages; j++) {
                pIntegrators[j] += pIntegrators[j - 1];

        int64_t s = pIntegrators[mStages];
        for (int i = 0; i < mStages; i++) {
            int64_t t = s;
            s -= pCombs[i];
            pCombs[i] = t;

        return mGainCorrection * (s / (float)scale);

SSE/SIMD 版本(使用 -march=nocona 构建),尝试在 process() 函数(在音频应用程序中称为重载)上获得性能。

主要问题是缓冲区的输入将是 m128 (4 x float) 值。并且似乎 CICDecimator 需要 64 位整数才能使精度正常工作(因此,只有两个插槽)。


struct CICDecimatorV4 {
    const __m128 scale4 = _mm_set1_ps((float)(((int64_t)1) << 32));
    int mStages;
    int mFactor;
    __m128 mGainCorrection4;
    __m128d *pIntegrators4_1;
    __m128d *pIntegrators4_2;
    __m128d *pCombs4_1;
    __m128d *pCombs4_2;

    CICDecimatorV4(int stages = 4,int factor = 8) {
        assert(stages > 0);
        assert(factor > 0);

        mStages = stages;
        pIntegrators4_1 = new __m128d[mStages + 1]{};
        pIntegrators4_2 = new __m128d[mStages + 1]{};
        pCombs4_1 = new __m128d[mStages]{};
        pCombs4_2 = new __m128d[mStages]{};

        if (mFactor != factor) {
            mFactor = factor;
            mGainCorrection4 = _mm_div_ps(_mm_set1_ps(1.0f),_mm_set1_ps((float)pow(mFactor,mStages)));
    ~CICDecimatorV4() {
        delete[] pIntegrators4_1;
        delete[] pIntegrators4_2;
        delete[] pCombs4_1;
        delete[] pCombs4_2;

    __m128 process(const __m128 *buffer) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mFactor; i++) {
            // float to double
            __m128i bufferInt = _mm_cvttps_epi32(_mm_mul_ps(buffer[i],scale4));
            pIntegrators4_1[0] = _mm_cvtepi32_pd(bufferInt);
            pIntegrators4_2[0] = _mm_cvtepi32_pd(_mm_srli_si128(bufferInt,8));

            for (int j = 1; j <= mStages; j++) {
                pIntegrators4_1[j] += pIntegrators4_1[j - 1];
                pIntegrators4_2[j] += pIntegrators4_2[j - 1];

        __m128d sD1 = pIntegrators4_1[mStages];
        __m128d sD2 = pIntegrators4_2[mStages];
        for (int i = 0; i < mStages; i++) {
            __m128d t1 = sD1;
            __m128d t2 = sD2;

            sD1 -= pCombs4_1[i];
            sD2 -= pCombs4_2[i];

            pCombs4_1[i] = t1;
            pCombs4_2[i] = t2;

        // double to float
        __m128 sF1 = _mm_cvtpd_ps(sD1);
        __m128 sF2 = _mm_cvtpd_ps(sD2);
        __m128 sF; // <<<< TODO: i need to merge the two float on a single one

        return _mm_mul_ps(mGainCorrection4,_mm_div_ps(sF,scale4));

我将 int64_t 转换为 m128d(两个插槽),将输入 m128 拆分为两个 m128d 并复制每个计算以进行保持向量和双精度计算。


  1. 这个方法正确吗?
  2. 如何将两个 m128d 转换为单个 m128? (首先在下部,其次在上部)(即 <<<< TODO part
  3. 可以整体改进吗? (:P)





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