Cucumber 与 Jenkins 的集成在远程机器上成功构建,但在带有 net.serenity-bdd 插件的 Serenity Reports 中有黑色屏幕截图



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""





        <!-- -->

        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->


                    <!-- <parallel>methods</parallel>
                    <useUnlimitedThreads>true</useUnlimitedThreads> -->

Jenkins Test Screenshots

     _______. _______ .______       _______ .__   __.  __  .___________.____    ____ 
    /       ||   ____||   _  \     |   ____||  \ |  | |  | |           |\   \  /   / 
   |   (----`|  |__   |  |_)  |    |  |__   |   \|  | |  | `---|  |----` \   \/   /  
    \   \    |   __|  |      /     |   __|  |  . `  | |  |     |  |       \_    _/   
.----)   |   |  |____ |  |\  \----.|  |____ |  |\   | |  |     |  |         |  |     
|_______/    |_______|| _| `._____||_______||__| \__| |__|     |__|         |__|    
 News and tutorials at                                  
 Documentation at             
 Join the Serenity Community on Gitter: 
 Serenity BDD Support and Training at  

1506 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Access search
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/account_info_edit/account_info_edit.feature
1527 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: View/Edit-Account information tab
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/ban_export_as_csv/ban_export_as_csv.feature
1532 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: View/Edit-Billing account numbers tab
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/login/login.feature
1546 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Login
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/manage_account/manage_account.feature
1551 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Navigate through the manage account screens,get to BAN Tab and click on Add
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/mcmt_search/mcmt_search.feature
1556 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Message search
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/multiple_account_selection/multiple_account_selection.feature
1560 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Multiple account selection
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/paper_suppression/paper_suppression_filter.feature
1565 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Validate  CSR-Registration -Paper suppression - Filter functionality
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/paper_suppression/paper_suppression_update.feature
1573 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Paper suppression screen
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/payment_method/payment_method.feature
1577 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: CSR-View/Edit-Payment Method- Save functionality
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/preauthorized_payment/preauthorized_payment.feature
1582 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Pre Authorized Payment
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/single_account_selection/single_account_selection.feature
1586 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: single account selection
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/transaction_logs/transaction_logs_search.feature
1589 [main] INFO  - Test Suite Started: Reports- Transaction log search
Feature from file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/src/test/resources/features/ban_export_as_csv/ban_export_as_csv.feature
1899 [main] INFO  - 
 _____ _____ ____ _____   ____ _____  _    ____ _____ _____ ____  
|_   _| ____/ ___|_   _| / ___|_   _|/ \  |  _ \_   _| ____|  _ \ 
  | | |  _| \___ \ | |   \___ \ | | / _ \ | |_) || | |  _| | | | |
  | | | |___ ___) || |    ___) || |/ ___ \|  _ < | | | |___| |_| |
  |_| |_____|____/ |_|   |____/ |_/_/   \_\_| \_\|_| |_____|____/ 

Check validation for Export csv file(view/edit-billing-account-numbers-tab;check-validation-for-export-csv-file)
2137 [main] WARN net.thucydides.core.requirements.model.cucumber.CucumberParser - Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\add_ban\add_ban.feature - it will be ignored
2160 [main] WARN net.thucydides.core.requirements.model.cucumber.CucumberParser - Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\delete_ban\delete_ban.feature - it will be ignored
3103 [main] INFO net.serenitybdd.core.webdriver.driverproviders.ProvideNewDriver - Instantiating driver
3105 [main] INFO net.serenitybdd.core.webdriver.driverproviders.ProvideNewDriver - Driver capabilities: Capabilities {browserName: internet explorer,ensureCleanSession: true,ignoreZoomSetting: true,javascriptEnabled: true,loggingPrefs: org.openqa.selenium.logging...,nativeEvents: true,platform: WINDOWS,requireWindowFocus: false,takesScreenshot: true,version: }
Started InternetExplorerDriver server (64-bit)
Listening on port 44862
Only local connections are allowed
Apr 16,2021 5:10:11 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFO: Detected dialect: W3C
145774 [main] INFO  - 
        __    _____ _____ ____ _____   ____   _    ____  ____  _____ ____  
  _     \ \  |_   _| ____/ ___|_   _| |  _ \ / \  / ___|/ ___|| ____|  _ \ 
 (_)_____| |   | | |  _| \___ \ | |   | |_) / _ \ \___ \\___ \|  _| | | | |
  _|_____| |   | | | |___ ___) || |   |  __/ ___ \ ___) |___) | |___| |_| |
 (_)     | |   |_| |_____|____/ |_|   |_| /_/   \_\____/|____/|_____|____/ 

Check validation for Export csv file

1 Scenarios (1 passed)
7 Steps (7 passed)

146010 [pool-2-thread-1] WARN net.thucydides.core.requirements.model.cucumber.CucumberParser - Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\add_ban\add_ban.feature - it will be ignored
146028 [pool-2-thread-1] WARN net.thucydides.core.requirements.model.cucumber.CucumberParser - Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\delete_ban\delete_ban.feature - it will be ignored
[INFO] Tests run: 1,Failures: 0,Errors: 0,Skipped: 0,Time elapsed: 148.002 s - in com.bch.obm.runcucumberTest
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 1,Skipped: 0
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] -------------------< OBM12-Cucumber:OBM12-Cucumber >--------------------
[INFO] Building OBM12-Cucumber 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- serenity-maven-plugin:2.2.8:aggregate (default-cli) @ OBM12-Cucumber ---
[WARNING] Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\add_ban\add_ban.feature - it will be ignored
[WARNING] Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\delete_ban\delete_ban.feature - it will be ignored
[WARNING] Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\delete_ban\delete_ban.feature - it will be ignored
[WARNING] Couldn't read the feature file D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\src\test\resources\features\add_ban\add_ban.feature - it will be ignored
[INFO] Test results for 1 tests generated in 3.2 secs in directory: file:/D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/target/site/serenity/
[INFO] -----------------------------------------
[INFO] -----------------------------------------
[INFO] | Tests executed         | 1
[INFO] | Tests passed           | 1
[INFO] | Tests Failed           | 0
[INFO] | Tests with errors      | 0
[INFO] | Tests compromised      | 0
[INFO] | Tests pending          | 0
[INFO] | Tests ignored/skipped  | 0
[INFO] ------------------------ | --------------
[INFO] | Total Duration         | 2m 24s
[INFO] | Fastest test took      | 2m 23s
[INFO] | Slowest test took      | 2m 23s
[INFO] -----------------------------------------
[INFO]   - Full Report: file:///D:/IDR%20REG%20GITLAB/code/OBM12-Cucumber/target/site/serenity/index.html
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  02:46 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-04-16T05:12:42-04:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
[JENKINS] Archiving D:\IDR REG GITLAB\code\OBM12-Cucumber\pom.xml to OBM12-Cucumber/OBM12-Cucumber/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/OBM12-Cucumber-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
channel stopped
Finished: SUCCESS

现在当我打开完整报告文件时,我看到如下所示的 Serenity BDD 报告:

Report images Report images

请注意 Jenkins 作为服务运行,我的服务器位于远程机器上,我已经设置了 Jenkins,通过将根 pom 指向部署的代码库来在远程服务器上运行测试如下图所示:

Build configuration on Jenkins





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