



X <- data.frame(
  speaker = c("A","B","A","B"),speech = c("i'm gonna take a look you okay with that","sure looks good we can take a look you go first","okay last time I looked was different i think that is it yeah","yes you're right i think that's it"),stringsAsFactors = F

我有一个 for 循环可以成功提取精确重复:

# initialize vectors:
pattern1 <- c()
extracted1 <- c()

# run `for` loop:
for(i in 2:nrow(X)){
  # define each 'speech` element as a pattern for the next `speech` element:
  pattern1[i-1] <- paste0("\\b(",paste0(unlist(str_split(X$speech[i-1]," ")),collapse = "|"),")\\b")
  # extract all matched words:
  extracted1[i] <- str_extract_all(X$speech[i],pattern1[i-1])
# result:

[1] "take" "a"    "look" "you" 


[1] "i"     "think" "that"  "it"

但是,我也想提取不精确的重复。例如,第 2 行中的 looks 是第 1 行中 look 的不精确重复,第 3 行中的 looked 模糊地重复第 2 行中的 looks,以及 {第 4 行中的 {1}} 与第 3 行中的 yes 近似匹配。 我最近遇到了 yeah,它用于近似匹配,但我不知道如何在这里使用它,也不知道它是否是正确的方法。非常感谢任何帮助。



我认为使用 tidy 方法可以很好地做到这一点。您已经解决的问题可以使用 tidytext 完成(可能更快):

# transform text into a tidy format
x_tidy <- X %>% 
  mutate(id = row_number()) %>% 
  unnest_tokens(output = "word",input = "speech")

# join data.frame with itself just moved by one id
x_tidy %>% 
  mutate(id_last = id - 1) %>% 
  semi_join(x_tidy,by = c("id_last" = "id","word" = "word"))
#>     speaker id  word id_last
#> 2.5       B  2  take       1
#> 2.6       B  2     a       1
#> 2.7       B  2  look       1
#> 2.8       B  2   you       1
#> 4.3       B  4     i       3
#> 4.4       B  4 think       3
#> 4.6       B  4    it       3

当然,您想要做的事情要复杂一些。您突出显示的示例词并不完全相同,但 Levenshtein 距离最多为 2:

#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    0    1    2
#> [2,]    1    0    2
#> [3,]    2    2    0
#>      [,2]
#> [1,]    0    2
#> [2,]    2    0

遵循相同的 tidyverse 逻辑,有一个很棒的包。不幸的是,相应函数中的 by 参数似乎无法处理两列(或者它对两列应用模糊逻辑,因此 0 和 2 被视为相同?),所以这不起作用:

x_tidy %>% 
  mutate(id_last = id - 1) %>% 
  fuzzyjoin::stringdist_semi_join(x_tidy,by = c("word" = "word","id_last" = "id"),max_dist = 2)


map_df(unique(x_tidy$id),function(i) {
  current <- x_tidy %>% 
    filter(id == i)
  last <- x_tidy %>% 
    filter(id == i - 1)
  current %>%
    fuzzyjoin::stringdist_semi_join(last,by = "word",max_dist = 2)
#>      speaker id   word
#> 2.1        B  2  looks
#> 2.2        B  2   good
#> 2.3        B  2     we
#> 2.4        B  2    can
#> 2.5        B  2   take
#> 2.6        B  2      a
#> 2.7        B  2   look
#> 2.8        B  2    you
#> 2.9        B  2     go
#> 3.2        A  3   time
#> 3.3        A  3      i
#> 3.4        A  3 looked
#> 3.5        A  3    was
#> 3.7        A  3      i
#> 3.10       A  3     is
#> 3.11       A  3     it
#> 4          B  4    yes
#> 4.3        B  4      i
#> 4.4        B  4  think
#> 4.5        B  4 that's
#> 4.6        B  4     it

reprex package (v2.0.0) 于 2021 年 4 月 22 日创建

我不确定距离在您的情况下有多理想,以及您是否认为结果正确。或者,您可以在匹配之前尝试词干提取或词形还原,这可能会更好。我还为实现 stringsim_join 版本的包编写了一个新函数,它考虑了您尝试匹配的单词的长度。但是 PR 还没有被批准。