Sphinx 3 搜索引擎:从 CSV 源读取 JSON 时遇到问题


当我尝试从字段中读取 JSON 内容时,我得到:

WARNING: document 1,attribute assorted: JSON error: Syntax error,unexpected TOK_IDENT,expecting $end near 'a:foo'


这是我正在尝试阅读的(超级简化的)CSV 文件

1,hello world,document number one,a:foo
22,hello again,document number two,foo:bar
23,hello Now,This is some stuff,foo:{bar:baz}
24,hello cow,more test stuff and things,{foo:bar}
55,hello suess,Box and sox and goats and moats,[a]
56,hello raven,nevermore said the thing,foo:bar


../bin/indexer --config /home/ec2-user/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf --all --rotate

Sphinx 3.3.1 (commit b72d67b)
copyright (c) 2001-2020,Andrew Aksyonoff
copyright (c) 2008-2016,Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com)

using config file '/home/ec2-user/sphinx/etc/sphinx.conf'...
indexing index 'csvtest'...
WARNING: document 1,expecting $end near 'a:foo'
WARNING: document 22,expecting $end near 'foo:bar'
WARNING: document 23,expecting $end near 'foo:{bar:baz}'
WARNING: document 24,unexpected '}',expecting '[' near '}'
WARNING: document 55,unexpected ']',expecting '[' near ']'
WARNING: document 56,expecting $end near 'foo:bar'
collected 6 docs,0.0 MB
sorted 0.0 Mhits,100.0% done
total 6 docs,0.1 Kb
total 0.0 sec,17.7 Kb/sec,1709 docs/sec
rotating indices: successfully sent SIGHUP to searchd (pid=14393).


source csvsrc
    type = csvpipe
    csvpipe_delimiter =,csvpipe_command = cat /home/ec2-user/sphinx/etc/example.csv
    csvpipe_field_string =t
    csvpipe_attr_string =c
    csvpipe_attr_json =assorted

index csvtest
    source          = csvsrc
    path            = /var/data/test7
    morphology      = stem_en
    rt_field = t
    rt_field = c
    rt_field = assorted


    mem_limit       = 128M

    listen          = 9312
    listen          = 9306:MysqL41
    log             = /var/log/searchd.log
    query_log       = /var/log/query.log
    pid_file        = /var/log/searchd.pid
    binlog_path     = /var/data

如果我确实登录查询,很明显 JSON 实际上没有编入索引(正如警告中所预期的那样)

 select * from csvtest;
| id   | t           | c                                | assorted |
|    1 | hello world |  document number one             | NULL     |
|   22 | hello again |  document number two             | NULL     |
|   23 | hello Now   |  This is some stuff              | NULL     |
|   24 | hello cow   |  more test stuff and things      | NULL     |
|   55 | hello suess |  Box and sox and goats and moats | NULL     |
|   56 | hello raven |  nevermore said the thing        | NULL     |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

我尝试了一些东西,但我只是在黑暗中摸索。 我尝试过的一些事情:

  1. JSON 的替代格式。根据其他 JSON 输入的一些经验,我尝试使用 {foo:bar}{[foo:bar]}[{foo,bar}],他们希望它是顶级的数组或字典。这些实际上会产生略有不同的错误
WARNING: document 24,expecting '[' near ']'
  1. 我尝试添加一个尾随逗号,认为这可能是解析器正在寻找的 $end 标记。这会生成实际错误 ERROR: index 'csvtest': source 'csvsrc': not all columns found (found=5,total=4,line=1).,从而阻止索引生成。这对我来说很有意义

2a) 我尝试在 JSON 之后添加一整列其他列,这样我就可以使用结尾逗号,但不会收到阻止生成索引的错误。这确实生成了索引,但没有提供 JSON 解析器正在寻找的 $end 令牌。



因此 a:foo 不是有效的 JSON 值 AFAIK。看起来它意味着成为对象?所以需要 {...} 包围它。

但即使是 {foo:bar} 也是无效的。至少应该引用“值”{foo:"bar"}。但实际上键也引用了 {"foo":"bar"}

Javascript 对象在技术上允许不带引号的键名,但 JSON 需要引用。

...但也要记住它是 CSV。引号通常用于引用(例如,当列包含逗号时),因此引号需要双重编码!有点乱……

24,hello cow,more test stuff and things,"{""foo"":""bar""}"


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