为什么 Haskell 查找函数会导致自定义数据类型的非穷举模式错误?


有人知道为什么会导致错误 Non-exhaustive patterns in function getCityPopulation 吗?

type Name = String
type Coordinates = (Int,Int)
type Pop = Int
type TotalPop = [Pop]
type City = (Name,(Coordinates,TotalPop))

testData :: [City]
testData = [("New York City",((1,1),[5,4,3,2])),("Washingotn DC",((3,3),[3,2,1,1])),("Los Angeles",((2,2),[7,7,5]))]

getCityPopulation :: [City] -> Name -> Int -> Maybe (Coordinates,TotalPop)
getCityPopulation [] nameIn yearIn = error "Can't be empty"
getCityPopulation [cs] nameIn yearIn
    | nameIn == "" = error "Input City name"
    | yearIn == 0 || yearIn < 0 = error "invalid year"
    | otherwise = lookup nameIn [cs]


此外,我知道 yearIn 变量目前是多余的,稍后将适用于预期的函数用途,即获取 TotalPop 列表的 yearIn 元素。



[cs] 表示绑定到 csone city (list-item) 列表 - 我想你想要这个 - 所以有对于包含超过零个或一个以上元素的列表,情况并非如此 - 错误告诉您这一点。

getCityPopulation :: [City] -> Name -> Int -> Maybe (Coordinates,TotalPop)
getCityPopulation [] nameIn yearIn = error "Can't be empty"
getCityPopulation cs nameIn yearIn
    | nameIn == "" = error "Input City name"
    | yearIn == 0 || yearIn < 0 = error "invalid year"
    | otherwise = lookup nameIn cs

现在第 3 个条目匹配 any 列表并将其绑定到 cs 但与之前的情况一样,已经捕获的空列表 cs 将至少有一个元素。>

顺便说一句:我认为您不需要这个 - 为什么在返回 Maybe 时抛出错误(程序崩溃)? - 除了检查之外,您也永远不会使用 yearIn


tryGetCityPopulations :: [City] -> Name -> Maybe TotalPop
tryGetCityPopulations cs nameIn = snd <$> lookup nameIn cs



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