在 cpp 中的工厂方法的情况下,继承如何工作?


我正在尝试解决 codeames 上的这个简单谜语,我想我会在 OOP 中进行练习 但是,我似乎忘记了 CPP 在该领域的工作原理,并且出现了一个我无法理解的错误

/tmp/Answer.cpp:82:1: error: invalid abstract return type ‘Sign’
   82 | Sign from_str(const int value,const std::string& s)
      | ^~~~
/tmp/Answer.cpp:14:7: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within ‘Sign’:
   14 | class Sign {
      |       ^~~~
/tmp/Answer.cpp:22:25: note:    ‘virtual std::string Sign::str() const’
   22 |     virtual std::string str() const = 0;
      |                         ^~~
/tmp/Answer.cpp:82:6: error: invalid abstract return type for function ‘Sign from_str(int,const string&)’
   82 | Sign from_str(const int value,const std::string& s)
      |      ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/Answer.cpp: In function ‘Sign from_str(int,const string&)’:
/tmp/Answer.cpp:85:26: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Sign’
   85 |         return Rock(value);
      |                          ^
/tmp/Answer.cpp:87:27: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Sign’
   87 |         return Paper(value);
      |                           ^
/tmp/Answer.cpp:89:30: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Sign’
   89 |         return Scissors(value);
      |                              ^
/tmp/Answer.cpp:91:28: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Sign’
   91 |         return Lizard(value);
      |                            ^
/tmp/Answer.cpp:93:27: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type ‘Sign’
   93 |         return Spock(value);


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class Rock;
class Paper;
class Scissors;

class Sign {
    Sign(const int v): value(v) {};
    virtual ~Sign() {};
    bool operator<(const Sign& other) { return value < other.value ? false : true; }
    virtual std::string str() const = 0;

    int value{};

class Rock : public Sign {
    Rock(const int v): Sign(v) {};
    bool operator<(const Paper& other) { return true; }
    bool operator<(const Scissors& other) { return false; }
    std::string str() const override { return "Rock"; }


class Paper : public Sign {
    Paper(const int v): Sign(v) {};
    bool operator<(const Rock& other) { return true; }
    bool operator<(const Scissors& other) { return false; }
    std::string str() const override { return "Paper"; }

class Scissors : public Sign {
    Scissors(const int v): Sign(v) {};
    bool operator<(const Rock& other) { return false; }
    bool operator<(const Paper& other) { return true; }
    std::string str() const override { return "Scissors"; }

Sign from_str(const int value,const std::string& s)
    if(s == "R")
        return Rock(value);
    if(s == "P")
        return Paper(value);
    if(s == "C")
        return Scissors(value);
    throw 1;

int main()
    int N;
    cin >> N; cin.ignore();
    std::vector<Sign> s{};

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        int NUMPLAYER;
        string SIGNPLAYER;
        cin >> NUMPLAYER >> SIGNPLAYER; cin.ignore();

此时,我真的不明白为什么我不能使用 Sign 作为工厂方法的返回值,该方法返回具体类型并将其放置在我的数据堆中。


virtual std::string str() const { return "Sign"; };



您在 from_str 的返回类型和 vector <Sign> 中都受到 object slicing 的困扰。

喜欢与否,您将不得不使用指针,但如果您使用智能指针,那么痛苦就会消失。因此,首先像这样更改您的 from_str 函数:

std::unique_ptr <Sign> from_str(const int value,const std::string& s)
    if(s == "R")
        return std::make_unique <Rock> (value);
    if(s == "P")
        return std::make_unique <Paper> (value);
    if(s == "C")
        return std::make_unique <Scissors> (value);
    throw 1;


std::vector<std::unique_ptr <Sign>> s{};

这就是您需要更改的全部内容。您使用 std::unique_ptr 这一事实可以解决所有内存管理问题。



struct Rock
    std::string str() const { return "Rock"; }

struct Paper
    std::string str() const { return "Paper"; }

struct Scissors
    std::string str() const { return "Scissors"; }

using Sign = std::variant<Rock,Paper,Scissors>;

bool winSigns (Paper,Rock) { return true; }
bool winSigns (Rock,Scissors) { return true; }
bool winSigns (Scissors,Paper) { return true; }
template <typename Sign1,typename Sign2>
bool winSigns (Sign1,Sign2) { return false; }

Sign from_str(const std::string& s)
    if (s == "R")
        return Rock{};
    if (s == "P")
        return Paper{};
    if (s == "C")
        return Scissors{};
    throw 1;

int main()
    std::string SIGNPLAYER1;
    std::cin >> SIGNPLAYER1;
    Sign sign1 = from_str(SIGNPLAYER1);
    std::string SIGNPLAYER2;
    std::cin >> SIGNPLAYER2;
    Sign sign2 = from_str(SIGNPLAYER2);

    std::visit([](auto lhs,auto rhs){
        std::cout << lhs.str() << "versus" << rhs.str() << std::endl;
        if (winSigns (lhs,rhs)) std::cout << "player1 wins\n";
        else if (winSigns (rhs,lhs)) std::cout << "player2 wins\n";
        else std::cout << "Draw\n";

