Flutter roodBundle.load() 未加载更新的资产


通常我想要做的是访问位于 assets/app.db 的现有数据库

我很确定我发现原因就在这代码import java.util.Scanner; public class PaintCostCalculator { public static void main( String args[] ) { try (Scanner input = new Scanner(system.in)) { //variable declarations int NoOfRooms; int RoomCounter; int choice; int Area = 0; int AreaSum = 0; int TotalLSCost; int TotalSGCost; int TotalMatCost; //constants declarations final int PaintCoverage = 16; final int LowSheenCost = 17.6; final int SemiGlossCost = 20; final int MatteCost = 14.3; //code System.out.print("Please enter the number of rooms to be painted: "); NoOfRooms = input.nextInt(); for(RoomCounter = 0; RoomCounter < NoOfRooms; RoomCounter ++) { System.out.printf("\nEnter the area of room %d in m^2.: ",RoomCounter + 1); Area = input.nextInt(); AreaSum = AreaSum + Area; } System.out.println("\nPlease choose one of the following paint options: \n1. Low Sheen($17.60/L)\n2. Semi Gloss($20/L)\n3. Matte($14.30/L)"); choice = input.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: System.out.print("You have chosen Low Sheen\n"); TotalLSCost = (AreaSum / PaintCoverage) * LowSheenCost; System.out.printf("To paint a total area of %dm^2 with Low Sheen paint it would cost a total of %d",AreaSum,TotalLSCost); break; case 2: System.out.print("You have chosen Semi Gloss\n"); TotalSGCost = (AreaSum / PaintCoverage) * SemiGlossCost; System.out.printf("To paint a total area of %dm^2 with Semi Gloss paint it would cost a total of %d",TotalSGCost); break; case 3: System.out.print("You have chosen Matte\n"); TotalMatCost = (AreaSum / PaintCoverage) * MatteCost; System.out.printf("To paint a total area of %dm^2 with Matte paint it would cost a total of %d",TotalMatCost); break; } } } }


data = await rootBundle.load("assets/app.db");


  • 它会删除任何现有的数据库
  • Future<Database> openDB() async{ var dbDir = await getDatabasesPath(); var dbPath = join(dbDir,"Flutter.db"); // Delete any existing database: await deleteDatabase(dbPath); // Create the writable database file from the bundled demo database file: var data; data = await rootBundle.load("assets/app.db"); List<int> bytes = data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes,data.lengthInBytes); await File(dbPath).writeAsBytes(bytes); var db = await openDatabase(dbPath); return db; } data 之前为空
  • 在我手动更新数据库并重新加载代码后,rootBundle.load 的值保持不变
  • 数据库存在于 data
  • 之后

既然一切正常,我得出的结论是错误必须发生在 await File()





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