如何“使用 Gemfile 的生产组”运行“bundle exec rake -P”? 注意事项


我看到了 this 条可怕的消息;

remote:  !
remote:  !     Could not detect rake tasks
remote:  !     ensure you can run `$ bundle exec rake -P` against your app
remote:  !     and using the production group of your Gemfile.
remote:  !     /tmp/build_c4484669/bin/rake:8:in `require': cannot load such file -- rake (LoadError)
remote:  !     from /tmp/build_c4484669/bin/rake:8:in `<main>'
remote:  !
remote: /tmp/codon/tmp/buildpacks/50d5eddf222a9b7326028041d4e6509f915ccf2c/lib/language_pack/helpers/rake_runner.rb:106:in `load_rake_tasks!': Could not detect rake tasks (LanguagePack::Helpers::RakeRunner::CannotLoadRakefileError)
remote: ensure you can run `$ bundle exec rake -P` against your app
remote: and using the production group of your Gemfile.
remote: /tmp/build_c4484669/bin/rake:8:in `require': cannot load such file -- rake (LoadError)

但是我已经运行了 bundle exec rake -P 并且它运行良好。如何确保他们“使用 Gemfile 的生产组”运行该命令?


这里是帮助文档 - 在 Gemfile 中看不到任何使用生产组的选项:

rake --help
rake [-f rakefile] {options} targets...

Options are ...
        --backtrace=[OUT]            Enable full backtrace.  OUT can be stderr (default) or stdout.
        --comments                   Show commented tasks only
        --job-stats [LEVEL]          Display job statistics. LEVEL=history displays a complete job list
        --rules                      Trace the rules resolution.
        --suppress-backtrace PATTERN Suppress backtrace lines matching regexp PATTERN. Ignored if --trace is on.
    -A,--all                        Show all tasks,even uncommented ones (in combination with -T or -D)
    -B,--build-all                  Build all prerequisites,including those which are up-to-date.
    -D,--describe [PATTERN]         Describe the tasks (matching optional PATTERN),then exit.
    -e,--execute CODE               Execute some Ruby code and exit.
    -E,--execute-continue CODE      Execute some Ruby code,then continue with normal task processing.
    -f,--rakefile [FILENAME]        Use FILENAME as the rakefile to search for.
    -G,--no-system,--nosystem      Use standard project Rakefile search paths,ignore system wide rakefiles.
    -g,--system                     Using system wide (global) rakefiles (usually '~/.rake/*.rake').
    -I,--libdir LIBDIR              Include LIBDIR in the search path for required modules.
    -j,--jobs [NUMBER]              Specifies the maximum number of tasks to execute in parallel. (default is number of CPU cores + 4)
    -m,--multitask                  Treat all tasks as multitasks.
    -n,--dry-run                    Do a dry run without executing actions.
    -N,--no-search,--nosearch      Do not search parent directories for the Rakefile.
    -P,--prereqs                    Display the tasks and dependencies,then exit.
    -p,--execute-print CODE         Execute some Ruby code,print the result,then exit.
    -q,--quiet                      Do not log messages to standard output.
    -r,--require MODULE             Require MODULE before executing rakefile.
    -R,--rakelibdir RAKELIBDIR,Auto-import any .rake files in RAKELIBDIR. (default is 'rakelib')
    -s,--silent                     Like --quiet,but also suppresses the 'in directory' announcement.
    -t,--trace=[OUT]                Turn on invoke/execute tracing,enable full backtrace. OUT can be stderr (default) or stdout.
    -T,--tasks [PATTERN]            Display the tasks (matching optional PATTERN) with descriptions,then exit. -AT combination displays all of tasks contained no description.
    -v,--verbose                    Log message to standard output.
    -V,--version                    Display the program version.
    -W,--where [PATTERN]            Describe the tasks (matching optional PATTERN),then exit.
    -X,--no-deprecation-warnings    Disable the deprecation warnings.
    -h,-H,--help                   Display this help message.




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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