从 PHP 到 C# 的 UUID V1 转换导致错误的 GUID


我不熟悉 PHP 代码。我想将 PHP code 实现的 UUID V1 转换为 C#。我尝试了很多方法,但都失败了。哪部分代码有问题? 此 C# 代码生成错误的 GUID fa570fa10-3b235-472b-500-1ebc212c87e0,参数 node 为 138417599493834080(结果可能因 Unix 日期时间而异)。当我将方法 Hex2Dec 更改为 here 时,它会生成 393031383131343830-3234313135-3138323139-313238-1ebc212c87e0。我对错误代码没有更多的想法。请帮我解决

public static function v1($node)
    // nano second time (only micro second precision) since start of UTC
    $time = microtime(true) * 10000000 + 0x01b21dd213814000;
    $time = pack("H*",sprintf('%016x',$time));

    $sequence = random_bytes(2);
    $sequence[0] = chr(ord($sequence[0]) & 0x3f | 0x80);   // variant bits 10x
    $time[0] = chr(ord($time[0]) & 0x0f | 0x10);           // version bits 0001

    if (!empty($node)) {
        // non hex string identifier
        if (is_string($node) && preg_match('/[^a-f0-9]/is',$node)) {
            // base node off md5 hash for sequence
            $node = md5($node);
            // set multicast bit not IEEE 802 MAC
            $node = (hexdec(substr($node,2)) | 1) . substr($node,2,10);
        if (is_numeric($node))
            $node = sprintf('%012x',$node);
        $len = strlen($node);
        if ($len > 12)
            $node = substr($node,12);
        else if ($len < 12)
            $node .= str_repeat('0',12 - $len);
    } else {
        // base node off random sequence
        $node = random_bytes(6);
        // set multicast bit not IEEE 802 MAC
        $node[0] = chr(ord($node[0]) | 1);
        $node = bin2hex($node);

    return bin2hex($time[4] . $time[5] . $time[6] . $time[7]) // time low
            . '-' . bin2hex($time[2] . $time[3])                // time med
            . '-' . bin2hex($time[0] . $time[1])                // time hi
            . '-' . bin2hex($sequence)                          // seq
                    . '-' . $node;                                      // node


这是 C# 部分

    public static string MD5(this string input)
        // Use input string to calculate MD5 hash
        using (System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 crypto = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create())
            byte[] hashBytes = crypto.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input));
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < hashBytes.Length; i++)

            return sb.ToString();

    public static string GenerateGuidV1(string node)
        var xtime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() * 10000000 + 0x01b21dd213814000;
        var time = Pack(xtime.ToString("x"));

        var sequence = new byte[2];
        sequence[0] = (byte)((char)sequence[0] & 0x3f | 0x80);   // variant bits 10x
        time[0] = (byte)((char)time[0] & 0x0f | 0x10);           // version bits 0001

        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(node))
            // non hex string identifier
            if (!IsNumeric(node) && Regex.IsMatch(node,"/[^a-f0-9]/is",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
            //if (preg_match('/[^a-f0-9]/is',$node))
                // base node off md5 hash for sequence
                //$node = md5($node);
                node = node.MD5();
                // set multicast bit not IEEE 802 MAC
                //$node = (hexdec(substr($node,10);
                node = (int.Parse(node.Substring(0,2),NumberStyles.Hexnumber) | 1) + node.Substring(2,10);

            if (IsNumeric(node))
                node = Convert.ToInt64(node).ToString("x"); //sprintf('%012x',$node);

            var len = node.Length;

            if (len > 12)
                node = node.Substring(0,12); //substr($node,12);
            else if (len < 12)
                node += string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("0",12 - len));//str_repeat('0',12 - $len);
            // base node off random sequence
            var seqNode = new byte[6];//$node = random_bytes(6);
            // set multicast bit not IEEE 802 MAC
            seqNode[0] = (byte)((char)node[0] | 1);//$node[0] = chr(ord($node[0]) | 1);

            node = Convert.ToInt16(seqNode[0].ToString(),2).ToString("x");//bin2hex($node);
        return Bin2Hex(time[4].ToString() + time[5].ToString() + time[6].ToString() + time[7].ToString()) // time low
                + '-'+ Bin2Hex(time[2].ToString() + time[3].ToString())                // time med
                + '-'+ Bin2Hex(time[0].ToString() + time[1].ToString())                // time hi
                + '-'+ Bin2Hex(sequence[0].ToString() + sequence[1].ToString())                          // seq
                + '-'+ node;                                      // node

    private static string Bin2Hex(string value)
        return Convert.ToInt64(value).ToString("x");
        //byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(value);
        //string hexString = "";
        //for (int ii = 0; ii < bytes.Length; ii++)
        //    hexString += bytes[ii].ToString("x2");
        //return hexString;

    private static byte[] Pack(string hex)
        hex = hex.Replace("-","");
        byte[] raw = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++)
            raw[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2,16);

        return raw;

    private static bool IsNumeric(string value) => value.All(char.IsNumber);




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